Tag: Muscovy Ducks

When Times Get Tough

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Sophie and Lucy

Not that I enjoy knowing others are hurting, I don’t! Yet, when we have the opportunity to talk with other Farmers and Homesteaders who are hurting; it somehow brings a sense of comfort. Perhaps it’s just knowing that We’re not alone!

Six months ago it was difficult to find a Goat, even a male goat, for under $200 and sometimes they were selling for twice that. Now, it’s difficult to sell one at all, many have put them in the freezer or dropped their prices to $100 or less! Gas prices, Feed Costs, Building Upkeep, and so on are all steadily increasing in cost. It’s a two-edged sword and that is made worse by seemingly poor feed being supplied by Livestock Feed Companies. We hear of many people who’s hens have all but stopped laying! Likely due to the copious amounts of dust and filler that is evident in so much of the feed being sold. Not only that, but as someone recently pointed out, during Covid there were many large producers who were dumping milk and meat because they couldn’t get it to market due to lack of trucking. Undoubtedly some of the problems with the Feed are because it’s been sitting in Storage facilities for too long! We’re not sure of the reasons, but we all face ever-increasing costs and now a glut on the Live Animal Market that is pushing the prices down.

Then, making all of this worse are the overly abundant Government Regulations that, as I’ve been told are not allowing new farmers to get Licensed or Quota to sell Pork and Eggs. Thus, even those who want to go that route can’t because they can’t get Approval. So, that means basically sneaking around, selling eggs where we can and selling sides of pork when able. Which, some say falls under Farm Gate Sales. “Farm Gate” a handy term used by Government and Industry Regulators to keep the little guy out of it, and keep consumers buying “factory raised” from the Grocery Corporations and Factory Farms. It’s a sad state of affairs!

Now, couple this with the shame and embarrassment that comes from using your change to buy your next bag of livestock feed! Listing animals you’d rather not sell on Kijiji and hoping they sell. Waiting till the animals you have grow large enough to process and hopefully sell as Farm Gate Sales. 

Those trying to be honest and upright about it are left trying to fathom through the Regulations. Take for example, “Farm Gate Sales”. Some say it means that Sides of Pork can be sold, but not commercial cuts like packaged Pork chops or sausage, etc. Others say that “Farm Gate” means You can sell it as long as the Customer is coming to Your Farm or Homestead to buy it. Still, others, say Farm Gate means it’s alright as long the person You’re selling to is the end consumer and doesn’t resell it to someone else! What’s the Truth? Many of us who want to do things legally and upright find it hard to get clarity and many others just don’t try!

Regardless, things right now are difficult, not only for us, but for many others! In some way s we’re lucky, we at least have access to land to let our animals graze when the money for Feed and other Costs get out of hand and when all our money is tied up in our Livestock as we wait for them to reach Market Weight.

We’ve been blessed really because people know how well we care for our animals and have the space we’ve been asked to take in about 38 Birds and Animals. They still need to be fed, so we only felt able to take 6 Sheep and 8 Muscovy Ducks. We’d like to be able to take more, we sell most of ours when they’re young and as pets. Unfortunately, they don’t all go as pets and so some go in the freezer and others get sold. They all get named and treated as pets! They have a great life, except for that one bad moment!

In many ways, we are fortunate, and we have many great friends and followers, and many have asked how they can help! To answer that question, drop off a bag of feed, bring us old fencing, chargers, etc., and of course, if You are so inclined, Make a Donation.

Muscovy Duck Is The Poor Man’s Steak

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Muscovy Ducks Processed October 2023

Honestly, I think it might be just the opposite! Yes, we do eat meat and yes we do process some of our livestock and poultry into meat. Sadly, when You have too many, especially males, the time comes when they either have to be processed, or they’ll kill each other! Seriously!

Just to clarify though, I do eat meat and have no qualms about it. After all, “Nimrod was a mighty hunter before the Lord”. Genesis 10:9. However, since we treat all our creatures as pets, except for the “One Bad Day”, it is not entered into lightly. I actually name most if not all f them, and when that day comes I feel that it’s my duty, and the last act I can perform to see that the life is ended as humanely as possible. Again, this all makes it harder on me, especially on “That Day”. However, it also means that not only do I connect with that creature when it’s alive, but continue to be thankful for it; often from birth to end of life, and after. It also allows me to know what We’re eating! Intimately!

Honestly, this isn’t what I was planning on writing! However, I think it’s important for me to express it, and for You to know it. I think it’s also important for You to know how great these Muscovy Ducks are! Both alive and afterward!

I used to think Muscovies were about the ugliest bird there was and I’m not sure when exactly that changed but they do make a great pet! Obviously, an outside pet, and not exactly one you’re going to cuddle up with. They enjoy their freedom and independence. This year we raised half our Drakes in our Gardens and Rotational Pastures. They do minimal damage to gardens, help fertilize, and seem to effectively keep most pests, like deer and raccoons, out of the Gardens. They also eat insects and help provide a fair bit of natural, organic, insect control. So, now, I love them! Not to mention they actually don’t require a pond! As long as they can get their heads under water, even in their water dish, and swizzle and cleanse their palate, they’re happy.

In fact, when Muscovy Ducks are happy they wag their tails! Yes! Sort of like a Dog!

Now, let’s set aside all that emotional, “feely”, stuff aside for a moment and talk about the meat!

Muscovy Ducks are said to be derived from Wood Ducks and Geese! Not sure how they got together, but that’s what they say! They originate from the Tropics, yet are very Winter hardy birds. Not actually Ducks, some say, but Waterfowl of their own right. Perhaps the most interesting thing about Muscovies is they have Red Meat! Muscovies are! They’re actually quite dry, almost fat-free, and considered, by many who know it, to be one of the best Steaks! Yes! Being red meat, the Breast can be prepared to resemble top sirloin steak!

Moose Manor Farms has an excellent write-up on Muscovy Ducks and describes the meat thusly…

Muscovy meat is one of the healthiest meats on the market today, being 98% or greater fat free. Many people say that the breast meat of a Muscovy is hard to tell from a Sirloin steak. Famous chefs know this and use Muscovy meat in a number of ways. They have become experienced at cutting and preparing the meat for various delicacies. It is even ground up and used as hamburger in a variety of dishes. Folks on a low-fat diet know that the meat is not only great tasting but very nutritious. And, being so lean, meat from the Muscovy duck is not greasy as is the case with other ducks. Some say that the meat tastes a lot like expensive ham, others say it is hard to tell from veal.

What say You? Would You like to try it?