Tag: Rabbits

Incredible Side Benefit of Having Briden Farm Goats and Livestock on Your Land

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Naturally Rid Your Land of Ticks

One thing we’ve noticed over the past few years is that there is an incredible side benefit of having Briden Farm Goats and Livestock on Your Property! We know that the regenerative benefits of turning burnt out hay fields into beautiful productive grassy pastures is awesome! The weed eating animals help get rid of weeds, and in woodland pastured these incredible animals help prune and groom and turn woodlands into pasture and with a little help, even gardens! All so beautiful and impressive I never get tired of seeing it. 

However, what we didn’t know, but have suspected for some time now, is all this work also help to eliminate Ticks! You know… those nasty little, creepy, crawly, blood suckers! When we first take our animals into a new pasture area we get covered in them! Often finding 20-30 or more every day! On ourselves, dogs, animals, etc. Then, over time, that number reduces! As the animals turn the old growth into new productive pastures, and the grass, weeds, and invasive plants become fewer, and more manageable, so do the Ticks! Reducing the number of ticks from 20-30 a day to maybe that number, or fewer, in a week! That’s a reduction of about 80-85%. Incredible! 

If You’d like more information about having Briden Farm Goats and Livestock on Your Property please call Brian at BridenFarm.com 902-907-0770 

Information on Tick Safety in Nova Scotia


Turning Old Burnt Out Hay Fields to Grazing Pastures and Gardens

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It’s been just a couple weeks short of two years since we moved our animals on to this property. 

The Barn Property Sept 2022

When we were asked to come there and use the land and barn, the fields were mostly old and burnt out, full of invasive and toxic weeds. Two years later through the use of rotational pasturing, and regenerative farming techniques these are those fields today… 

While the original goals of the Property Owners, of “Just keep the trees from growing in, and the fields from getting over taken” with hopes of getting rid of the toxic and invasive plants. Although we wanted to help showcase the work, and help make this place even more beautiful. We’ve used Goats, Pigs, Chickens, Rabbits, and now Sheep to help improve this wonderful old property. Just look at those hay fields now! A true testament to the capabilities of these wonderful birds and animals! 

Not only have we helped keep the fields from growing in, we’ve helped to eliminate many of the weeds, both toxic and invasive. Although it’s still a work in progress! Sheep need adequate pasture grasses and forage to thrive and our shearer and others, and even the wool quality of the sheep have all testified to this being the case! It’s incredible to see the transformation that’s taken place! 

We’ve even managed to turn some of this ground into gardens!

2024 Garden at The Barn Property

Using deep bedding for our animals through the winter helps provide well composted hay and manure to help naturally grow the gardens. The whole thing is laborious and yet rewarding. We work mostly by hand, employing time honoured methods and let our animals do most of the heavy lifting! It’s a labour of love, one where we always strive to be good Stewards.

Before and After Pigs Preparing the Garden Soil

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Garden Soil before being worked by Pigs

I never get tired of seeing the work our animals do. This Year, December 1st and 2nd our Pigs were turned into our Garden Plot. The two photos show the Before and After. As You can see, they do an amazing job of disturbing the soil just enough to spur growth. Leave them too long, and they’ll compact the earth, but leave them just the right amount of time, and they turn it up and get it prepared for the next growing season. It’s not usually left till December and perhaps should have a Cover Crop, but this year we had beautiful days and 10 + celsius, that’s into the 50s F. Well-composted manure had previously, been applied and worked in.

Garden Soil after being worked by Pigs

Also, take note of the Green Grass still growing in the pastures. As a result of our animals, Goats, Pigs, Sheep, Chickens, Rabbits, and Ducks, enjoy their rotational pastures. Rotational Pasturing can be used, not only to keep parasite-free, healthy, livestock but also to encourage growing green grass and pasture forages.