Tag: Goat Milk

We Now Have Two Goats Milking

Two Goats Milking At Briden Farm

Not quite sure what we’re going to do with the extra milk, but now that Nanna’s kids, Robbie and Nickie, have moved to their new home, we get to milk Nanna. We really wondered how that would go!?  Thankfully, while she put up a little struggle, She gave us a litre of nice creamy milk, on the first milking, Nanna is our only remaining doe of our Nigerian Dwarf Goats. Her ease of milking, my ability to milk her, and the incredible taste of the milk means we’ll be holding on her. Our other Doe, Eve, is an 11 year old Saanen Dairy Goat who continues to give us nearly two quarts of milk a day; even though she hasn’t been bred in over two years! 

So, now that we’ll be getting about 3 or more Quarts of Milk a day! What do we do with it all? We’ll drink what we can, make more cheese, and with Nigerian Dwarf Goats, in this case Nanna’s, milk ranging in the 6-10% Butter Fat, we’ll even try our hand at making fresh butter! 

Do you have any suggestions for other uses for milk? If so, be sure to post them in the Comments or give us a call 902-907-0770. 

Nanna Will Soon Have Her Kids

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Nanna on the Milking Stand

The time is coming closer, and Nanna will soon have Her Kids! Today, 28 March 2021 was her due date, sort of! See, a Nigerian Dwarf Goat, Doe, can have their Nigerian Dwarf Goat Kids anytime from 145-155 days after being bred. So, today was the 145th Day, and that means Nanna will soon have her Kids, within the next ten days. 

Today I separated Nanna from our other Goats, our current Saanen Milking Goat, Eve, is in one end of the area we keep Does. Momma, also pregnant, and Snow White, her 8 month old Doeling are in the middle section, and Nanna is actually in the milking parlour, now become birthing area. 

We like to get the girls used to being on the Milking Stand, even before we start milking them! That’s because by the time we do start milking them, they’re already used to being on the stand. Thus having Nanna in the area we usually use as our Milkimg Parlour it gets her used to being there, and we feed her grain in the trough and she stands on the milking stand. So, by the time we start milking her, she’s used to it. However, before that happens she’ll have her kids and being separated from, but close to, the others does she is in a safer place, and will be able to have the time to birth and bond with her kids. After that we’ll thoroughly clean the area and return the birthing area back to our milking parlour. 

The whole thing should work out quite well, with Nanna at one end, Momma and Snow White in the middle section, and Eve in the section near the outside door, it allows me to go milk Eve, tend to Momma and Snow White as needed, and still have a safe place for Nanna and soon her kids! For more information please phone 902-907-0770.

We’re Finally Producing Milk At Briden Farm

Eve Producing Milk At Briden Farm

When we first got our Nigerian Dwarf Goats, last August we got two Does and one had a 6 week old Kid. Nanna, Momma, and Snow White. Nanna was supposed to be bred and due the end of September 2020. She kept us guessing but she was not bred, therefore produced no milk. Momma was producing Milk, but only for her Kid, Snow White, and no matter what we tried we just couldn’t milk Her! 

So, unfortunately we’ve been feeding three goats for nearly seven months with little to show for it, other than the friendship of three goats! 

Now, Nanna is bred and due to freshen within the next two to three weeks and Momma is also due to have her kids a little later in the Spring. While a Goat usually has Milk when she has kids, that milk often gets used by her kids for at least the first month or two. So, that means still no milk for us from them till, probably June! Unless of course we get yet another Goat! Not really planning that! 

Yet, when I first saw our new Goat! That’s right, we now have A New Goat at Briden Farm! So, when I first saw our new Goat, Eve, it was love at first sight! Not only is she a beautiful girl, even though she hasn’t been bred in over two years, she’s still producing over a litre of quality milk everyday! So, now, We’re Finally Producing Milk At Briden Farm!

Which means we’ll now be able to have farm fresh milk, cheese, and butter, here at Briden Farm where the Tea is Always On and The Coffee is not far behind! We invite You to come visit, leave your fears behind and come have fun at the Farm! Come spend time with our animals and relax walking our woodland trails. For more info phone 902-907-0770. 

A New Goat at Briden Farm!

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Eve: Our Saanen Goat

That’s right! A New Goat at Briden Farm! Now, She’s definitely not a new Goat, but she is new at Briden Farm! Her name is Eve, and that’s because she’s as old as Adam! Yes… that Adam! 

Eve is an 11 Year Old Lady! She’s a Saanen Goat, described by the Canadian Goat Society as, “a Swiss breed that is well respected for its dairy qualities”. In Eve’s case she was part of a Dairy Herd, a commercial Herd I think, up till about two years ago. She then went to a Farm at the Edge of Paradise! However, as of recent, I think she was spending a lot of time tied in the Barn. 

Now Eve has come to Briden Farm, our little piece of Heaven! We hope to give Eve a great place to finish Hr days! Most Saanen Goats only live to be about 11-12 years and Eve is 11 now! She is so gentle, and loving, and doing her best to fit in with our Nigerian Dwarf Goats and become part of their Herd. Which is proving just a little harder than becoming part of our hearts! She’s really an incredible girl. Eleven Years Old, last Bred two years ago, and still giving about a litre of Milk a day!