Tag: Goat Milk

Raw milk samples were inoculated with foodborne pathogens and

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Eve Producing Milk At Briden Farm

Conflicting claims exist regarding pathogen growth in raw milk. So, who do You believe!?

When Raw milk samples were inoculated with foodborne pathogens and independent studies were conducted, they showed the suppression of the growth of major bacterial pathogens at proper refrigeration temperatures!

Read the full paper here: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0289249

Duplicate samples of hygienic raw milk produced for direct human consumption by the Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI) were inoculated with one of two initial levels of each of the 4 pathogens and then kept properly refrigerated. 3 out of 4 Pathogens did not grow in the refrigerated milk!

RAWMI has been instrumental in proving the Benefits of Raw Milk.

Unfortunately, for us here in Canada, Canada is the only G7 Country that has chosen to outlaw the sale of all Raw Milk! Why? (That is a Great Question). A question best posed to Your local Member of Parliament.

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(Canadian Artisan Dairy Alliance)

So, You’d Like Your Own Goat! Right?

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Woodland Pastured Goats

So, You’d like to have a Goat! Trouble is, You don’t have the space, or know how! Right? After all… They don’t actually eat tin cans! 

What if there was an alternative?

What if there was a way You could have a Goat, housing, pasture, feed, and even someone to look after it, and perhaps, if you want, even train you to look after it!?

All for as little as $10 / Week! Interested in Learning More!? 

Contact Brian at Briden Farm 📞 902-907-0770 

Scenic Shot of Briden Farm Goats and the Bear River Baptist Church

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Briden Farm Goats and Bear River Baptist Church

Moved our Briden Farm Goats to a new Pasture at The Barn Property today and as we were leaving this evening I glimpsed this incredible shot with the Bear River Baptist Church in the Background.

We use Rotational Pasturing techniques and about ten days ago we used the piece of ground adjacent to the new pasture. Each area being about a third of an acre. Or about 15,000 Sq Ft. we have four adult doe goats, and three under a year old. It took them just about a week and a half to work that piece of ground. By moving them every ten days or so we’ll cover about an acre a month. Or about seven acres from April to October. Actually, if we doubled our number of goats we could do the seven acres twice in the same time period. 

 Maybe someday we’ll expand our Herd. Or perhaps we’ll start boarding Goats!? Would You like to have a Goat? Would You like us to raise it and care for it for You? With You being able to come visit and learn how to raise Goats? We could for about $10 a week! Interested? 

Have questions? Call Brian  📞  902-907-0770 

What Do You Say To A Mom Who Needs Goat Milk For Her Infant?

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Consumers Freedom of Choice

You know, it’s bothered me for a long time, long before I ever had the opportunity to sell meat, eggs, or milk, that as a Consumer I couldn’t! Especially when it come to buying raw milk. Yes, I understand the risks, and the (in my opinion) supposed risks. 

According to TVO Today,  “Of all the G8 countries, Canada is the only one to ban the production for sale, transportation and consumption of raw milk: milk that is unpasteurized.” The question obviously begs as to, “Why?” 

Another thing that may make us question, “Why” is why the Consumers and Farmers are org through websites like Real Milk Saskatchewan to be able to buy, and sell, Raw Milk? 

Perhaps, it’s because many of us, here, as well as in Saskatchewan grew up drinking Raw Milk. Never having had any problems from Raw Milk! Perhaps that’s why the other G8 Countries have not banned it? 

Anyway, do your own research, see the locals where Raw Milk is being sold, and question whether or not it should be sold here? 

Here at Briden Farm we raise Goats, we drink Goats Milk, we make cheese, use the whey, make butter, and drink the buttermilk, and have even made yogurt! All from Raw Milk! Unfortunately under current Laws and Regulations we can’t sell it! yes, it frustrates me! It also frustrates would be purchasers! 

As the title of this post says,

“What Do You Say To A Mom Who Needs Goat Milk For Her Infant?”

The lady who called this past week was very gracious and understanding but understandably frustrated when I had to tell Her no! Especially after her Doctor had told her that perhaps she should seek it out! Her little one has severe allergies and can’t drink most milk, nor use most formulas like Similac. However, they can use the Blue Similac. However, there seem to be a major shortage of the Blue Similac Formula! 

So, what then? Should we as Consumers have the Freedom to buy what we want from whom we want to!? After all, it is a free country! Isn’t it? 

After years of thinking, and as a result of that conversation combined with a conversation with a friend, Jimmy, I feel motivated, if not called to do something! 

Actually farmers and homesteaders have worked for years to get things like Raw Milk legalized. Actually it only become illegal in Canada in 1991. I think!? 

Anyway, little has been accomplished by the would be proponents and I think it’s because the Producers are few in number and don’t have enough clout at the Box Office! Generally speaking the only Box Office that matters to many Political Representatives is the Ballot Box. So, if that is right, and I believe it is, what’s needed is the Consumers voice! 

We live in a Free Democratic Country, where the laws and regulations should meet the needs of the people. The people should be free to buy what they want, from whom they want! Things like Farm Fresh Meat, Eggs, and Raw Milk for instance! If You agree, please consider helping me insure …

Consumers  Freedom of Choice