Tag: Saanen Dairy Milk Goat Doe

The Belles of Briden Farm

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The Belles of Briden Farm

It’s that time of year when all good Goat Herders put bells on their Goats! Don’t get me wrong, I am all in favour of hunting, wild game, and wouldn’t be insulted at all if someone brought me some! Having said that, there are those, not so apt, hunters who have the bad habit of shooting before they have a clear view of what they’re shooting at! Thus, once September rolls around, it’s time for our Belle’s to don their Bells! 

Pictured above are Eve, our 11 year old Saanen Doe. Nanna, and our new little girl, Stella. The later two are Nigerian Dwarf Goats. 

Does and Kids at Play

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Does and Kids at Play

Why is it that as soon as you grab the camera the best shots stop!? Actually this short little video is of our three Does, Eve, Buttercup, Nanna, and Nanna’s two Nigerian Dwarf Goat Bucklings, Robbie & Nicky. Eve is an 11 year old Saanen Dairy Milking Goat, and Buttercup, who I like to call Oreo, is a Saanen/ Alpine mix. It’s nice to see them playing, we’ve switched things up lately and it’s good to see them all settled and getting along. 

New Goats at Briden Farm

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New Goats at Briden Farm

We have New Goats at Briden Farm! We are also missing two! Momma and Snow White! Now they’re not really missing, but they’ve moved on to greener pastures! Well, not really, well… maybe! Actually they’re not to faraway, but they do have a new home over on Waldeck Line! We worked out a deal with a friend who loves them and will provide a good home for them. It also will allow us to visit. 

The deal with our friend also meant our getting a new Goat, Buttercup (who I really think is more of an Oreo!) Here’s a video of Buttercup, a Saanen / Alpine Mix, playing with Nanna’s Kids, and Eve, our new Saanen Milking Goat, and Nanna, our Nigerian Dwarf Goat, the mother of the two little kids.

It’s a short video, but we think you’ll like it as it captures some of the Fun here at Briden Farm. 

Nanna Will Soon Have Her Kids

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Nanna on the Milking Stand

The time is coming closer, and Nanna will soon have Her Kids! Today, 28 March 2021 was her due date, sort of! See, a Nigerian Dwarf Goat, Doe, can have their Nigerian Dwarf Goat Kids anytime from 145-155 days after being bred. So, today was the 145th Day, and that means Nanna will soon have her Kids, within the next ten days. 

Today I separated Nanna from our other Goats, our current Saanen Milking Goat, Eve, is in one end of the area we keep Does. Momma, also pregnant, and Snow White, her 8 month old Doeling are in the middle section, and Nanna is actually in the milking parlour, now become birthing area. 

We like to get the girls used to being on the Milking Stand, even before we start milking them! That’s because by the time we do start milking them, they’re already used to being on the stand. Thus having Nanna in the area we usually use as our Milkimg Parlour it gets her used to being there, and we feed her grain in the trough and she stands on the milking stand. So, by the time we start milking her, she’s used to it. However, before that happens she’ll have her kids and being separated from, but close to, the others does she is in a safer place, and will be able to have the time to birth and bond with her kids. After that we’ll thoroughly clean the area and return the birthing area back to our milking parlour. 

The whole thing should work out quite well, with Nanna at one end, Momma and Snow White in the middle section, and Eve in the section near the outside door, it allows me to go milk Eve, tend to Momma and Snow White as needed, and still have a safe place for Nanna and soon her kids! For more information please phone 902-907-0770.