Tag: roosters

Eggs A Sure Sign Of Spring

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Beautiful Easter Eggs

It’s this time of year, when the days begin to lengthen, and our Hens begin to lay more, and more, it’s a sure sign of Spring! It may not be here yet, in fact we’re having a small snow storm today, but it’s coming and it’s just around the corner! I can feel it in my bones! Or maybe it’s just the Cold! 

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Today we had 18 Eggs! Possibly our biggest days since starting the Farm! Last year, five or six of our hens got broody and hatched 🐣 about 30 Chicks 🐥 

Now, those Young Chicks have grown up and they’re starting to lay! We still have too many Easter Egger Roosters! Our Roosters are naturally hatched, well handled, and gentle! They also come from a good line of Flock Protectors! Maybe you can give a good home to a Rooster? 

The nice thing is, going out to the Coop and seeing the nest boxes full of eggs! Whether the eggs get eaten, or we make Pickled Eggs, or they get used, or Sold as Hatching Eggs, it’s always nice to have an abundance of Fresh Farm Eggs! 

Nothing says Spring like the beautiful sunshine that pours out of a fried egg! No matter how it’s cooked, it’s eggactly what the Season calls for! 

In fact, not only do we have lots of Fresh Hen eggs from our Chickens, We’ve also started getting Muscovy Duck Eggs! 🥚 🥚 🥚 🥚 🥚 🥚 

So, in the weeks to come, we should not only have lots of Eggs, but also have lots of Chicks and Muscovy Ducklings! 🐥 🐥 🐥 🐥 🐥 🐥  

So whether You’re looking to come embrace, the fun, at Briden Farm, and spend some time with our Chickens and Ducks, and Goats, and other Animals, or You’re looking for Hatching Eggs, or Chicks, or Ducklings, or whatever you’re looking for, hopefully we can help! Or help You find it! 

Have Questions? Call Brian at 902-907-0770 

Click Here to Visit our Store

Jack the Rooster Kids T
Jack the Rooster Polycotton Kids Crewneck T-shirt

Thankful to Have Rehomed another Rooster

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Dusty The Rooster

One of our goals at Briden Farm is to breed the “Broody” back into our hens! Which means having a number of chicks, and of course some of them are Cockerels, or Young Roosters. We always have a use for them, as they make good food. Although, since we partially hand raise them, we much prefer to find good homes for them. 

So, when someone contacted us today, looking for a Rooster, we knew it was a good day! Once we met them, we knew Dusty would have a good home, and we’d have new friends. That’s the icing on the cake, when we meet new farming friends! 

If You’d like new friends, or new Roosters, or both, come visit us at Briden Farm, Bear River, Nova Scotia. 

Rappie Pie And Chicken Soup

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Rappie Pie and Chicken Soup

Two things that make a Winter Day a little warmer, and a Winter Storm more bearable, are Rappie Pie and Chicken Soup! Today we made both!

We were recently given four roosters, and yesterday we processed three of the four! I made a mistake of looking at the beautiful feathers on the their and he’s looking for a new home now! Actually, I think we have found one for him already! 

I know to some processing animals and birds for food may seem rather mean, but the truth is it’s part of survival and it’s part of farm life. Especially on a working farm. 

Certainly the end result of our efforts helps make it a little easier! A life, any life, from the smallest to the greatest should never be taken lightly. Always with Thanks, reverence and respect, for the life taken, and the food provided. The sad fact is there are too many Roosters, and while every would like to keep them around it simply isn’t possible. In nature the males, the protectors often get killed by predators protecting the females, and around the farm when there’s to many Roosters they’ll attack and kill each other! So, in many ways, it’s more humane to process them! We give them the best life possible, for as long as possible, but when it comes time we dispatch them as humanely as possible and they help feed us! 

Most people, who think this is cruel  or inhumane, don’t generally stop to ponder all these things when they pop into their local Grocery, or Deli, to grab a BBQ Chicken on their way home from their 9-5 job! However, on the farm, among farmers and their livestock, it all takes on a far more intimate approach! It’s a symbiotic relationship where we feed them, give them the best life possible, for as long as possible so that they can better feed us!

For us, one of the best ways to make use of these Roosters is to make Rappie Pie And Chicken Soup!