Category: Briden Farm Online Store

Affordable Feeds at Briden Farm

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Briden Farm Scratch and Hemp Seed Feeds

What Do You Pay? Have You seen our Affordable Feeds? Look at our Affordable Feeds Page and see how we can help You. Four Grain Scratch Feed, Human Grade Hemp Seed Feed, and Lay Mash. Which of these Feeds do you use? Which Feeds would You like to see us carry next? We buy in Bulk and do our best to help You save!

Have Questions? Call Brian at 902-907-0770

Hemp Seed Treats for Pets


Contemplating Launching A Briden Farm Podcast

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Podcasting from Briden Farm

We’ve been asked lately why we don’t have a Podcast? 

A good question! Not sure we have a good answer, except that there are only so many hours in a day! 

Honestly, I also have wondered if Podcasts are still “A Thing”? I used to have a Podcast, years ago! So, I wondered if was it was still popular enough to warrant a second look!? 

Much to my surprise, according to … 

  • Over 55% of the US population have listened to a podcast
  • In 2020 over 155 million people listen to a podcast every week
  • Around 24% of the US population (68 million) listen to multiple podcasts weekly

Now, I’m not sure how many there are in Canada 🍁??? 

As I write that, I can hear my Mom, she passed in 2004, but I can still hear her say, “Look it up!” 

So, I just looked it up! 

According to there are .. 

“one third of Canadian adults claim to have listened to a podcast in the past month” 

Now, I wonder how many of our friends, fans, and followers are listening? What’s Your Favourite Podcast? 

Honestly, I thought Videos, and YouTube, would be more popular? Right? Well, yes, it seems about 71% of Canadians watch YouTube! However, when we think that in some ways you have to sit down when watching, but you can listen to a Podcast on the move! I guess it makes sense in our busy world that more, and more, people will use Podcasts! 

So, why not? Timing is everything and it seems like Podcasting is gaining popularity! So, we’ve gone as far as setting up our Podcasting Website… 

Briden Farm Hugs

I know that’s a funny name for a Farm Podcast!
You’ll have to Click Through to See Why! 

Briden Farm Hugs

I Love These…

Macrame Angel Wings Tapestry

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When it comes to Milking Goats

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Eve Producing Milk At Briden Farm

When it comes to Milking Goats, I really enjoy it! At least I do when the Doe is a willing participant! Our old Saanen Doe, Eve really enjoys being milked. Whereas Nanna, our Nigerian Dwarf Goat, has never been quite sure! We’ve had some over the years that just didn’t want to be touched!

I prefer milking by hand, while I know some others prefer machine. I am sort of thankful that I’ve never had over one or two goats to milk at the same time! I think if I had too many I might be tempted to turn to using a milking machine! Not sure though! 

Although I may find out, we currently have 4 Does, and they just had the visit of a Young Buck for a month and a half! So, come July, we potentially could have four freshen, that would mean probably having four goats to milk! It could also mean our having anywhere from 4 to 14 kids! Not likely to have over 5-8 kids though. 

I know I look forward to being back in milk though, we enjoy making cheese, yogurt, buttermilk and whey! The extra will go to our Berkshire Pigs, Larry, Curly, and Moe!

Curious, do you prefer milking by hand?
What’s Your experience with Milking Machines?  


3L Electric Milking Machine for Goat or Cattle
3 Lt Electric Milking Machine for Goats