Tag: Dairy Goats

So, You’d Like Your Own Goat! Right?

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Woodland Pastured Goats

So, You’d like to have a Goat! Trouble is, You don’t have the space, or know how! Right? After all… They don’t actually eat tin cans! 

What if there was an alternative?

What if there was a way You could have a Goat, housing, pasture, feed, and even someone to look after it, and perhaps, if you want, even train you to look after it!?

All for as little as $10 / Week! Interested in Learning More!? 

Contact Brian at Briden Farm 📞 902-907-0770 

Scenic Shot of Briden Farm Goats and the Bear River Baptist Church

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Briden Farm Goats and Bear River Baptist Church

Moved our Briden Farm Goats to a new Pasture at The Barn Property today and as we were leaving this evening I glimpsed this incredible shot with the Bear River Baptist Church in the Background.

We use Rotational Pasturing techniques and about ten days ago we used the piece of ground adjacent to the new pasture. Each area being about a third of an acre. Or about 15,000 Sq Ft. we have four adult doe goats, and three under a year old. It took them just about a week and a half to work that piece of ground. By moving them every ten days or so we’ll cover about an acre a month. Or about seven acres from April to October. Actually, if we doubled our number of goats we could do the seven acres twice in the same time period. 

 Maybe someday we’ll expand our Herd. Or perhaps we’ll start boarding Goats!? Would You like to have a Goat? Would You like us to raise it and care for it for You? With You being able to come visit and learn how to raise Goats? We could for about $10 a week! Interested? 

Have questions? Call Brian  📞  902-907-0770 

A Magical Winter Wonderland at The Barn Property

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First Snowfall at The Barn

We had our first snowfall of the season last night. While it probably means four months of hardships, harsh winds, and bitter cold, it also brings with it it own beauty. That beauty, the beauty of this magical season is captured in this post and video. As is the incredible work our Goats and Pigs have been doing over the past 80 days! It really captures well, the before and after! 

Sponsor a Chicken, Duck, or Goat

When it comes to Milking Goats

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Eve Producing Milk At Briden Farm

When it comes to Milking Goats, I really enjoy it! At least I do when the Doe is a willing participant! Our old Saanen Doe, Eve really enjoys being milked. Whereas Nanna, our Nigerian Dwarf Goat, has never been quite sure! We’ve had some over the years that just didn’t want to be touched!

I prefer milking by hand, while I know some others prefer machine. I am sort of thankful that I’ve never had over one or two goats to milk at the same time! I think if I had too many I might be tempted to turn to using a milking machine! Not sure though! 

Although I may find out, we currently have 4 Does, and they just had the visit of a Young Buck for a month and a half! So, come July, we potentially could have four freshen, that would mean probably having four goats to milk! It could also mean our having anywhere from 4 to 14 kids! Not likely to have over 5-8 kids though. 

I know I look forward to being back in milk though, we enjoy making cheese, yogurt, buttermilk and whey! The extra will go to our Berkshire Pigs, Larry, Curly, and Moe!

Curious, do you prefer milking by hand?
What’s Your experience with Milking Machines?  

Shop BridenFarmMarket.com

3L Electric Milking Machine for Goat or Cattle
3 Lt Electric Milking Machine for Goats