Category: Pigs

You’re Invited to Attend a Briden Farm Tasting Event!

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Ring Necked Pheasant Dinner

A time of Fun with Friends while enjoying the Tastes of Briden Farm Woodland Pasture Raised Meats and other Goodies. No pressure, just a fun time together where you’ll get to try our products for free!

Were hoping to hold a Tasting Event in Your Area soon. We hold our Events in homes and we’re looking for people to Host an Event. As Host, or Hostess, You’ll reap rewards, like Free Meat! We have things setup, or will set them up, so that we do most of the work and all you have to do is invite guests who you think would enjoy a fun time sampling our Woodland Pastured Meats and other products. No pressure though, we just want to keep it Fun!

If You, or someone you know, would like to Host and Event, please contact Brian at Briden Farm at 902-907-0770. Even if You don’t want to Host an Event, We’d still like You to attend. For Free!

Click Here to Request You Free Tickets

Before and After Pigs Preparing the Garden Soil

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Garden Soil before being worked by Pigs

I never get tired of seeing the work our animals do. This Year, December 1st and 2nd our Pigs were turned into our Garden Plot. The two photos show the Before and After. As You can see, they do an amazing job of disturbing the soil just enough to spur growth. Leave them too long, and they’ll compact the earth, but leave them just the right amount of time, and they turn it up and get it prepared for the next growing season. It’s not usually left till December and perhaps should have a Cover Crop, but this year we had beautiful days and 10 + celsius, that’s into the 50s F. Well-composted manure had previously, been applied and worked in.

Garden Soil after being worked by Pigs

Also, take note of the Green Grass still growing in the pastures. As a result of our animals, Goats, Pigs, Sheep, Chickens, Rabbits, and Ducks, enjoy their rotational pastures. Rotational Pasturing can be used, not only to keep parasite-free, healthy, livestock but also to encourage growing green grass and pasture forages.