Tag: Nova Scotia

The Dragon of the Black Locust at Briden Farm, Bear River, Nova Scotia

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The Dragon of the Black Locust

Recently while we were Cutting Black Locust Deadfalls along the lane at Briden Farm, we discovered this Dragon! The Dragon of the Black Locust! 

We’ve heard of Ancient Dragons inhabiting the far reaches of Nova Scotia’s boreal forests, but we were surprised to see this Dragon come out of this piece of Black Locust! 


Cutting Black Locust Deadfalls

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Cutting Black Locust Deadfalls

Occasionally, when you live on a Quarter Mile Lane, surrounded by beautiful Hardwoods, it becomes necessary to removed deadfalls. Especially those that have fallen across the Laneway. About the time we moved here, there was a big Black Locust Tree that had fallen part way across the Laneway. When the Truck come to Pump the Sceptic just before we took ownership, the Black Locust tree was cut down and left beside the road. It’s been there since and today we cut it up, loaded it on our truck, and brought it up for firewood. It’s going to take sometime before we can use it, it’s going to need to dry more before we’ll be able to burn it. We’re actually pretty new to cutting our own firewood, and doing it on the hillside and virtual cliffs lining the Laneway, it’s quite challenging and rewarding to get it done. 

We’re in a Stew at Briden Farm

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Stew At Briden Farm

Perhaps we should say, we’re having a stew at Briden Farm, or we had a stew at Briden Farm, but saying, “We’re in a Stew at Briden Farm” is far more interesting! Right? 

Anyway, we did recently have an excellent Stew when we used the juice left over in the frying pan from when we had Smothered Steak, Rice, and Stewed Onions.we took the juice, poured it in a crock pot, added the stew meat, and topped with cut up carrots and potatoes that we grew in our garden. It turned out very good as is evidenced here in the photo. Probably, due at least in part, du to the Watkins Herbs & Spices we used.  

All Purpose and Italian Seasonings

A Coup at the Coop at Briden Farm

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A Coup at the Coop at Briden Farm

After careful inspection of the Snowblower and given thought to what being harnessed to that machine might mean, the Chickens did the quick March back to the Coop planning a Coup! However, after thorough talks, and careful consideration, They’ve decide it’s a job better left to the Goats… or … rather… One Old Goat! 

Two Young Studs and One Old Goat