Category: Survival

A Day at the Beech

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A Day at the Beech

So, it’s probably not the first thing You think of, when you hear we had a A Day at the Beech! However, it is exactly what I did today! From cutting it down with my Stihl Chainsaw to cutting it up, loading it on the truck, and piling it up! One Day, One Tree, and about Half a Cord of Fire Wood. Now, if I can do it seventeen more times, I’ll have our Winter’s Fire Wood.

Last Year was the first year I did our own firewood! We used our kitchen enterprise stove, and had furnace oil and electric backup. This year we plan to have a living room stove and burning both stoves to help eliminate the oil and electric which are already too expensive! 

Thirty years ago, I was a weakling, and my self image was just as weak! I knew I was a weakling and, “I couldn’t do it!” Now, thirty years later, having worked on my self esteem, and in more recent years my physical self, now I’ll tackle about anything! 

As a result, I love working in the wood, and the sense of self esteem and accomplishment that comes from processing one’s own fuel, and food from our gardens, is fun and rewarding. If you’d like to have some fun, and join in, call Brian at 902-907-0770 

Floundering at Briden Farm

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Flounder Fishing

Ok, so it’s not as bad as it sounds! Nor is it exactly at Briden Farm! However, recently, we did take a day to go floundering, or flounder fishing! It’s something we both really enjoy and we were accompanied by some new friends. Being a fourth generation Guide it’s rewarding not only to catch some fish, and put some in the freezer for winter, but also to see others catch them as well. The photo above is from those our friends took while we were fishing. 

The Video below is one I did, mostly silent, except for the Chicks chirping in the background! The video is very graphic and shows how I fillet flounder. It really gets to the guts of the matter! So not for the faint of heart! 

Would You like to go Flounder Fishing? Hire us to go with you and teach You how we catch flounder. In our past two trips we’ve caught over a dozen flounder and got about 6 pounds of Fillets. We can’t promise the fish will bite, but it’s seldom we’re skunked. We fish an hour or two, take a lunch break and spend some time on the beach, and return to fish for a couple more hours. Interested? Want more info?

Call Brian at Briden Farm 902-997-0770

Vesey’s Seeds Arrived Today, Come Help Us Plant Tomorrow!

Vesey Seeds

So, it’s May, and We try to plant by the Moon! It’s not always possible, but we try! Planting by the Moon is something my Dad, Victor Hurlburt Sr., taught me. Recently I come across an excellent write up on this, and if it’s something You’re interested in, I encourage You to read Planting By The Moon by Wheelbarrow Nurseries

In simple terms, when planting by the Moon, you plant above ground crops between the time of the New Moon, and when the Moon is Full, and underground crops, on the dark of the Moon, or after the Full Moon. The next Full Moon is in three days, and day after tomorrow it’s going to rain! For two days! Actually less than an inch over the 24-36 hour period. So, I want to get our above ground crops planted tomorrow before the Full Moon and ahead of the rain. Thus, planting by the Moon, and also getting the seeds watered. 

Now, hopefully, I don’t regret it! The other thing about the weather, and the Full Moon, and gardening by nature, is that the weather during the Full Moon usually sets the weather for the month! Meaning if it’s clear on the Full Moon we’ll have a sunny month, and if it rains, we’ll have a rainy month! So, if there was going to be a big rain on this Full Moon, I’d wait till next month! Thinking the seed might rot, if we had a very rainy month! However, since it’s only going to be showers, and a bit of rain, it should lead to a month where the seeds we plant now get well watered, and have a good start to their growing season. 

So, if You’d like to learn more, or you’d just like to help, come give us a hand tomorrow! We’ll have fun! Give us a call for directions… call Brian at Briden Farm 902-907-0770. 

A Balmy Rainy February Night

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A Balmy Rainy February Night

It’s a beautiful night, as I walk to the door, and open it as the refreshing rain hits my body it’s invigorating! The experience fills my whole being with thankfulness! Why?

It’s February and it’s over 10 Degrees Celsius outside at 4:30am. It’s over 18 inside and the Wood Stove has been out for hours and the furnace is turned down low.

The mountain of snow in melting quickly and our mountain home is showing signs of Spring!

I know there will be more snow, after this, we still have a month or so of Winter weather to come, but this is a promise of things to come and for me it’s exhilarating.

See, while I try to put on a happy face and put forth a positive attitude it’s really hard this time of year! Although this time of year is one of my favourite times of year! That’s because there’s now noticeable daylight after 6pm. Now, when these Plus Temperatures and melting snow just seem like the icing on top of the cake! 🍰   

So, as I sit here, relaxing, and sipping my coffee, I feel the SAD effects, those of Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder slip away! It’s a disorder that affects many, yet sounds so lame! Although when I first heard of it, it made total sense! I’ve always suffered with depression, especially this time of Year! So, when the days start getting longer, the temps start getting higher, and the snow starts disappearing, my whole being rejoices! Maybe it’s my Mesoamerican DNA, 

Anyway, for now, I’m going to leave my fears behind, and embrace, the fun, warmer temperatures, and rain here at Briden Farm! 😉 

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