Tag: Flounder

Floundering at Briden Farm

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Flounder Fishing

Ok, so it’s not as bad as it sounds! Nor is it exactly at Briden Farm! However, recently, we did take a day to go floundering, or flounder fishing! It’s something we both really enjoy and we were accompanied by some new friends. Being a fourth generation Guide it’s rewarding not only to catch some fish, and put some in the freezer for winter, but also to see others catch them as well. The photo above is from those our friends took while we were fishing. 

The Video below is one I did, mostly silent, except for the Chicks chirping in the background! The video is very graphic and shows how I fillet flounder. It really gets to the guts of the matter! So not for the faint of heart! 

Would You like to go Flounder Fishing? Hire us to go with you and teach You how we catch flounder. In our past two trips we’ve caught over a dozen flounder and got about 6 pounds of Fillets. We can’t promise the fish will bite, but it’s seldom we’re skunked. We fish an hour or two, take a lunch break and spend some time on the beach, and return to fish for a couple more hours. Interested? Want more info?

Call Brian at Briden Farm 902-997-0770