Category: Ring Neck Pheasants

Currently 4th Place! Vote for Brian Hurlburt for FavChef 2024

Currently 4th Place on FavChef 2024

So humbled by all the love! Please Vote Daily! I’m counting on You! 

Please Vote and Share the Link

Sure appreciating all Your Support! I’ve also set up a Chef Brian Hurlburt page on FaceBook to help keep everyone up dated. Thanks Again!

Visit Chef Brian Hurlburt on Facebook


You Are Awesome! Keep On Voting! Currently 5th Place!

Currently 5th Place on FavChef 2024

You are awesome! You’re making it happen! Now, let’s do this for Nova Scotia! Let’s do this for Digby! For Bear River! Can You imagine a Homesteading Farmer from Nova Scotia being on the cover of Taste of Home Magazine! Let’s Make This Happen!

Not just for Me! For the positive attention it’ll bring with it for our area! For Homesteading and Farming, especially Small Farms! Traditional Country Cooking, Baking, and Home Made Goodness!

Please Vote, Daily, It’s Free, and Please Share this Link

Affordable Feeds at Briden Farm

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Briden Farm Scratch and Hemp Seed Feeds

What Do You Pay? Have You seen our Affordable Feeds? Look at our Affordable Feeds Page and see how we can help You. Four Grain Scratch Feed, Human Grade Hemp Seed Feed, and Lay Mash. Which of these Feeds do you use? Which Feeds would You like to see us carry next? We buy in Bulk and do our best to help You save!

Have Questions? Call Brian at 902-907-0770

Hemp Seed Treats for Pets