Sourdough Molasses Brown Bread

I love Sourdough, always have, and I’ve also loved Molasses for as long as I can remember. So, it make’s perfect sense to me that the two should go hand in hand! Right!?
However, I also tend to be a rather impatient, and waiting for bread to rise for 6-8 hours or longer. I’ve done it, but not so much! I’d rather find ways to speed things up. So, I make my own recipes!
I start with the Sourdough Starter we made from just water and flour. Started the Starter about 6 months ago, and call Him, John Dough!
I put 4 Cups of all purpose flour I a large bowl. I put about two cups of Starter in a four cup measuring cup. To the starter I added, (I really don’t measure, I just guesstimate the amount in my hand) about 1 teaspoon each of sugar, baking soda, and salt. Plus about a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar. When I stir that up with a fork, it rises to nearly fill the measuring cup. In another measuring cup I put about a half cup of molasses. Then I mix about a third of the Starter Mixture into the flour. Then I mixed about half the molasses into the flour mixture. Finally I added the remaining molasses into the remaining starter mixture and once mixed I added it into the flour mixture. Honestly at this point it was more like cookie dough. (Might try that next). So, I added in more flour, about a quarter to a half cup, mixing in until the dough was the right texture for bread dough.
Then I put a little olive oil in a bread pan and used a paper towel to spread it on the bottom and side of the pan. Then dusted the pan with Watkins Cinnamon. Then placed the dough into the pan.
I turned the oven on to about 150 F to warm up, and placed the loaf pan in the oven, covered with a warm, wet, dish towel. After about 5 minutes I turn the oven temperature down to just under 100 F. Then let the dough double in size. Sometimes I remove the dish towel and wet it again with warm water. And keep it over the top of the rising loaf. Once the loaf rises to desired level it’s time for the bake.
I turn the temp up to 400 F. and place the Loaf in the oven uncovered. Dish towel now removed. After about 5 minutes I cut a slit in the top of the loaf to let the excess steam escape. Otherwise the sides of your loaf will blow out! Sometimes they do a bit anyway! It’s ok!
I check the loaf after 20 minutes and then about every 5-10 minutes till done. There are a few ways to know when it’s done. Tap it and it should sound hollow. I let it bake till the outside looks done, sometimes a tad over done. The smell is a big indicator, and an old trick is to stick a knife in it and pull it out. If the knife comes out clean it’s done! Really, it’s kind of trial and error! After a few loaves you’ll get to know. I still worry about it every time!
When done, let it cool on a wire rack. I often let it cool off in the pan to finish baking! Then, once it’s cooled off, somewhat, I put it on the rack.
This particular loaf has Rolled Oats sprinkled on it and baked on top. If not I’d use a paper towel to smear butter on the top; and all over really!
If You dare to compare, or try my recipe, please let me know in the comments below. If you’re local and need some Starter, let me know!