Category: Bear River

0.3 mm of Rain! Yeah Right!

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Briden and Joe

The Weather Forecast was calling for just 0.3 millimetres of rain, per hour, scattered throughout the day! Yeah Right! This Video shows…

It was much more than that!

What the Video doesn’t show You is me, out trying to move Briden and Joe, our now 6 month old, bottle baby lamb (no longer on the bottle) and his Dad. This time of the year, here in woodland pasture, there’s little growth, and I’m moving them about every 2-3 days. Today, with even the rain, and lack of grass and forage, I knew they’d potentially get out if I didn’t move them. I had a spare, electric netting fence sitting beside their pasture, and so I started putting it up for their new pasture. As soon as I did the torrential rain started! Uh huh! I got absolutely soaked! 

After I managed to get the fence setup, and Joe and Briden moved, the rain let up! So, I being already soaked through, continued on with our chores… next come feeding our 640 lb Berkshire Sow (Momma) Pig and her daughters, they’re half Red Mangalitsa and each about 350-400 lbs. 

Well, Lara, the Big Momma Pig, she likes to put the Loven on to Me! She does that by rubbing herself up against me, kind of like a big ole she Bear scratching herself up against a tree! So, because Lara outweighs me nearly 4 to 1 and because we live and farm in a hillside, I had to brace myself! I mean really brace myself or I would have ended up over the hill and across the Powerline and sitting in Franklin Brook! Ok, maybe not quite! But You get the picture! Right? 

So, now, I’m soaked, and also covered in mud from Lara’s lovens (yes, I knows it’s misspelled)

So, I decides it’s no good quitin now! I grab the feed for Sophie and Lucy and head over to Karen’s ole field, where they’re now pastured. Just hoping they’re still there! We just moved the. There yesterday! They usually stay in their fence, unless they get to hungry, bored, or sometimes too wet! Usually they only try to escape when they’re hungry or bored though! Theys good ole gals! Thankfully they were still there, waiting and happy to see me, or their feed at least! 

Then we goes and delivers some hemp seed feed, just over the road a bit, Then we runs into this torrent on the way home again! I’m thinking someone in the Weather Office made a mistake and typed 0.3 and hour, when it should have read 3.0. 

Of course, truth be known! It’s really my friend, Skip’s fault! He messaged me early this morning, wanting to do a video chat because we like to do that, and because it was raining hard where he lives in New Brunswick, near Salisbury. I told him then that we were only getting showers here today! That why I sent him this video first, along with a few select words! Calling him a S. Oh, You get the idea! Sort of like a female Dog on a hot scent! Lol 😉 

I’d love to have seen the look on on Skip’s Face! 

So… Now I’m going to Subscribe to Cindy Day’s Weather

Currently 4th Place! Vote for Brian Hurlburt for FavChef 2024

Currently 4th Place on FavChef 2024

So humbled by all the love! Please Vote Daily! I’m counting on You! 

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Sure appreciating all Your Support! I’ve also set up a Chef Brian Hurlburt page on FaceBook to help keep everyone up dated. Thanks Again!

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Bear River Flooding

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Flooding of Bear River

Today, We’ve seen Snow, Rain, Sleet, and Hail, and a little sunshine. Temperatures are on the rise, currently 2°C or about 36°F and expected to reach 7°C or about 45°F this evening! While we love the warmer temperatures, and even being able to save on wood and so on, it means lots of melting snow and at hightide Bear River was flooding it’s banks!

Thankfully, we sit about 80 feet above the West Branch of the River, and so it’s not likely it will ever reach here. Although we sometimes wonder what would happen if .. !? Well, anyway, I think we’re pretty safe!

Although it’s blowing up a storm out there, and while we’re well protected by the hill we live on, especially from the Winds that blow from the North and West. lately the Winds have been coming from the East and South. So, praying that, with the water soaked ground and softened soils, we don’t end up under a Tree! Or have trees across the Quarter Mile Laneway that leads up to Briden Farm.

At the end of the day, we’re just happy to be warm, sheltered, with a roof over our heads. Wanna come play on my Island!?


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