Tag: Chicken TV

Chicken TV At Briden Farm 22 April 2021

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Jack & The Girls

It’s been awhile, since we’ve done our last Chicken TV at Briden Farm, episode. It’s really become a “Thing” and people have been telling us how much they enjoy it!

So, I apologize it’s been so long, to say the least we’ve had our struggles, and have been very busy over the past couple of months with the coming of Spring and all that brings.

Actually, as of late, I’ve been wondering if perhaps we should broaden the focus a bit and change the name of “Chicken TV at Briden Farm”, to “Life at Briden Farm”? We’d be interested in hearing your feedback. Please post your comments below. 

A Crazy, Busy, Spring at Briden Farm!

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10 Crazy Busy Weeks

Now, I know that our closest friends and supporters know that we’re always crazy! Lately though, especially over the past seven weeks, it’s been crazy busy! 

On the 22 February we had eggs hatching in our incubator and we had been tending them for three weeks prior! So really, I guess it’s actually been more like 10 weeks of Crazy Busy here at #BridenFarm 

Soon after the Chicks hatching, we began gathering Sap and Making Maple Syrup! That of course kept us busy for a few weeks! We kept it small, mainly just for us, as this was our first Maple Syrup Season in a few years! 

Then, by the end of March, Nanna had her Kids! Kidding Season is a fun, but stressful time of year with its own set of demands. So, March just flew by, and now we’re mid April! 

The past week and a half we’ve been hauling 200 mink cages home to disassemble and use the wire for Fencing! It should be enough to fence about two acre as of pasture land. 

Oh, and somewhere in there, a friend suggested we suggest Chicken TV at Briden Farm as a series for Eastlink’s Community TV. To which we did have a reply! Now, it’s not for a Series, not yet anyway, but Michael MacDonald, producer with Eastlink Community TV did contact us and come out to do a feature on us for East Link Magazine! (Air Date TBA). 

Now, most recently we’ve made some changes, buying selling, and swapping out some of our livestock, details of which are to involved to list now, but we will cover it all in future Blog Posts! We do have some exciting new additions and we’ll tell You about them in upcoming Blog Posts! 

Chicken TV with Guest Appearance from Archie & Carl

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Chicken Coop & Buck Pen

Chicken TV from Briden Farm with a Guest Appearance from Twin Brothers, Archie and Carl. Our Nigerian Dwarf Goat Bucks, a couple of real Studs! 😉 

Come Visit Is at Briden Farm, where the Tea is always on, and the Coffee is not far behind!