Farmers Golf Anyone!?

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Our Chicken Laid a Golf Ball

Even before starting Briden Farm, we thought about someday having a place where we can play Farmer’s Golf! We first played Farmer’s Golf at Hennigar’s in Greenwich, Nova Scotia. Their course meanders through their orchards and we were even told to have an apple if we saw one we liked! If You’ve never had the opportunity to play Farmer’s Golf, check out this lovely description on Hennigar’s Farmer’s Golf Page, or visit the website for the Farmer’s Golf courses in the Netherlands, where there are a number of Courses, where the game was developed! 

So, now that You understand what I mean by Farmer’s Golf, and I am seriously considering having a Farmer’s Golf course here at Briden Farm! You’ll appreciate just how kismet things can be sometimes and also how truly willing to please our Chickens really are! 

See, the other day, as we were working to make a fence for the our Nigerian Dwarf Goat Bucks, near the Hen House, I literally stumbled on an old Golf Club! Then, within an hour, we saw the strangest thing in the Hen House! One of our Hens laid a Golf Ball! Or, at least an egg, shaped like a Real Golf Ball! Some Hen! 

Preparing for Winter with a Larger Woodbox At Briden Farm

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Preparing for Winter with a Larger Woodbox

For most of the Fall we’ve readied our Woodstove, and brought in a couple Banana Boxes of Wood to last from one day till the next. Most of which time we had temperatures in or around the freezing point at its coldest. 

Now, as Winter approaches, just 6 days to go, we’re now seeing much colder days, and nights. Dropping down around Minus Ten Celsius or about 10 Fahrenheit. Which when I lived in Cape Breton is the temp I waited for, sometimes a week or longer, so I could walk from Cain’s Mountain to my closest neighbours in Ottawa Brook. 

However, these days, I find -10 °C / 10 °F to be a little cold! 

So, we’re Preparing for Winter at Briden Farm with a bigger Woodbox allows us to have enough wood for more than a day. Not having to cut, chop, or bring in Wood everyday takes some of the pressure off, and makes it a little easier on real stormy days! 

The forecast for the next few days is for up to 8” of Snow! So, this old Steamer Trunk will make a great Woodbox and can hold enough wood for a few days!