Briden Farm Receives Over 30,000 Visits

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Over 30,000 Visits

The interest and support we’ve received over the past six months since we purchased our homestead here on the West Branch, over looking the Head of The Tide, in Bear River, Nova Scotia, has been overwhelmingly positive. 

We launched our Briden Farm Website on 30 October 2020, the Evening before Halloween, which is also known as Mischief Night! Since then we’ve been up to all sorts of Mischief! No, not really, but we have certainly been busy, and You have certainly shown your support and interest in what we’re doing! 

Since launching our website,, we have had over 8,500 Visitors make over 30,000 Visits to our Briden Farm Website! We so appreciate Your Support! 

Come visit us at Briden Farm where the Tea is Always On and The Coffee is not far behind! For More Info Call: 902-907-0770. 

At the Risk of Sounding Like a Bird Brain!

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Eight New Hatchings

Over the past few weeks we’ve been running a borrowed incubator to hatch some of our Chicken Eggs. I didn’t expect them all to hatch, I knew there would be some that wouldn’t! It seldom happens that they all hatch! 

While I’ve been around, handled, and raised, many chickens over the years, this was my first time using an incubator and only my second time seeing Chicks hatch from one! 

Honestly there are so many factors that affect the eggs, incubator, incubation, and hatch. Not only do you have the temperature to watch, but the humidity plays a large role. Some people say you need 45-55% Humidity for the first 18 days others say they do what’s called a Dry Hatch with just 30% humidity and in the final few days their humidity only gets around 60% when others say it should be at least 65-75%. So, there are so many factors involved, it’s nearly impossible to have a 100% perfect hatch! 

So, I really wasn’t surprised when less than half our eggs hatched! Honestly I expected about 50-60% and we ended up with only about 1/3. It was more than disappointing and what surprised me was the near shock and disappointment I felt! After turning the eggs every 5-8 hours for 18 days, then watching as the little Chicks inside the eggs began to pick (Pipping it’s called) their way out. Sometimes not getting any further! Then watching those that did hatch, while still in the incubator help the others by chirping and picking and helping to encourage their siblings! It’s a very deep, profound, undertaking that is often heart wrenching, and exhilarating, depending on what the outcome is! We had one die after hatching and after being out of the incubator for over a day, and another little one born two days late! The one that died, we noticed was not likely to make it, I took it and held it against my heart, to help warm it and keep it safe, keep it from being trampled, and it lay their on my chest, covered by my hand, as it slipped away! 

All of this, has definitely given me a new appreciation for Mother Hen! For all Mothers, and Fathers, who in one way or another experience all these feelings and more! 

Now, we have 8 little Chicks! Darling little things, that capture your heart when they look you in the eye! Being born on my Mother-In-Law’s birthday has probably ensured them a place here, without being sold! At least it sounds like a good excuse doesn’t it!? 😉 

So, needless to say, we won’t be having Day Old Chicks at this time! Although we may have more Roosters to rehome down the road! One good thing is, we helped bring 9 new lives into the World! Sadly one of them passed! The whole life cycle begins, and hatches before our eyes, and floods our hearts, within a few short weeks! It’s Incredible! 

Although we had a low hatch rate, we did have an 85 – 90% Fertility Rate! So, while we don’t have Day Old Chicks to sell You right now, we do have Fertile Hatching Eggs! So, if You want to experience what it is like to experience hatching your own Chicks and discover how profound that can be! However, be warned, You may soon find Yourself at the Risk of Sounding Like a Bird Brain! 

We have Fertile Hatching Eggs! 
For More Info … Call: 902-907-0770 

Chicken TV at Briden Farm: Update 12 Hours after Hatch Began at 3:43am

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Hatching Eggs At Briden Farm

So, it’s now 3:43pm and for the past 12 hours, We’ve been gaining a new appreciation for Mother Hen! That’s because the Eggs we have had in the Incubator since about 3:43pm on February 2, 2021 are now hatching! Watching, waiting, hoping, praying, and not being able to do a whole lot to help! That really makes us appreciate Mother’s Everywhere! Especially Mother Hen and all those like her who know far more than we ever will about hatching eggs! 

So, here’s a Video Update…


If You’re looking for Hatching Eggs we have them, if Your Looking for Day Old Chicks we may soon have some! For More Info Phone: 902-907-0770.