Tag: Regenerative Farming

Using Animals to turn Fields of Invasive Plants into Gardens

Pig Worked Hill 2024

It’s been. a long process, when we went to The Barn Property on the 31 August 2022 it was at the request of the Family there, and the main goal was to keep the fields from becoming overgrown. 

The property consisted mostly old burnt out hay fields, Lupine, Hawthorns, Goldenrod, and Japanese Knotweed. Here are some photos from Fall 2022 …

Barn Property Fall 2022

Time Passes…. 18 months later… Spring 2024 

As You can see, the fields, even the area under the now thinned out Hawthorns has green grass growing. Actually, we had green grass by Mid-March. A true testament to the incredible work of our animals.

The following video shows a particular area that has not yet been worked as much as the other areas. An area where Hawthorn Saplings and Lupine has begun to take over. An area where our goats have grazed only briefly twice, and that our pigs turned up this Spring. Showing how persistent the Lupine are, and how much they’ve grown in the few weeks to a month since our pigs worked that ground. Here’s the Video…

The results are incredible, especially over time. As this year unfolds I’ll try to bring you updates as to the progress. I’m really not sure how the Corn, Sunflowers, and Peas will grow here, but we’ll find out and hopefully document our success here! We welcome Your Comments. 

What is it really like to be a Traditional Regenerative Farmer?

Learn to Farm

I guess we could use our own photos, and videos, but sometimes it’s easier to share what we find. How we learn by watching, reading, and constantly learning. We’re currently watching The Biggest Little Farm. It does a great job of really showing what it’s like… 

That is the Trailer, the Movie is on Netflix. F you think we’re “living your dream” or that it’s easy, or peaceful, or less stress, be sure to watch it! 

If You think you have what it takes, and you like to learn more. If you like to learn traditional, small farm, homesteading, regenerative farming techniques and experience it all first hand, we invite You to check out our WWOOF Host Profile, and if you’re still interested, then contact us. 

Contact Brian at Briden Farm phone 📞 902-907-0770 

Milking Our Goat On Pasture At The Barn Property

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Milking Our Goat On Pasture

One of my long time dreams, when it comes to goats, is to be able to sit o a hillside and milk a goat. I realized that dream a few days ago! It was a misty morning, the sun just breaking through, and the hill was overlooking the work the goats and pigs have been doing at The Barn Property. Unfortunately I didn’t get a video of that! 

However, today, the Barn Property owner, Cheryl was there and did the following video of us milking …

We use our Briden Farm Goats, Pigs, Chickens, and Bunnies to help rid the area of invasive weeds, like Japanese Knotweed, Goldenrod, and Lupines. The animals do an incredible job, as seen in the photo above. Not only do they do a good job getting rid of weeds, the disturbance they cause the vegetation and soil helps to regenerate the land as is evidenced by the green grass that emerges after the animals pass through, as we rotate their pasture. 

If you’d like more information on how our Briden Farm animals work and the results, we do have testimonials and would love to talk to You. Contact Brian at Briden Farm 902-907-0770. 

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