Nigerian Dwarf Goats: Bucks and Does
We have Nigerian Dwarf Goats. Both Bucks and Does. Do You want to expand your herd? We can help with Stud Service and will also have Kids For Sale. Call for more info: 902-907-0770.
We have Nigerian Dwarf Goats. Both Bucks and Does. Do You want to expand your herd? We can help with Stud Service and will also have Kids For Sale. Call for more info: 902-907-0770.
We’ve had three groups of Chickens here at Briden Farm, all at various ages and stages! All housed in three different houses, or smaller pens, and now we’re working to move them all in a larger Coop where they’ll all coincide. This video shows the morning after the night before, when Jack and the Gang, and Henny Penny (AKA: Mother Hen) and her two chicks, Chicky and Picky, spent their first night in the new coop which we’ve built from Pallets, Slabwood, and up cycled materials. Tonight we hope to add Buddy, our big Rooster, and four others we call the Biddies, to the Coop. So, that’s the Scoop on the Coop!
Definitely didn’t realize it, and it is completely by accident, that we launched our Briden Farm Website on Mischief Night! Also known as described by the Smithsonian as Devil’s Night, or the Night before Halloween! (Or is it!?). Read Our About Page!
We started our Farm with three Nigerian Dwarfs, and a number of others who really like to think they’re the Cock of the Walk! Not to mention the help of a few Old Bittys! Not to mention a ton of friends!