Tag: White Orpington

We Found a New Home for Our Rooster Whitie

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A Home for Whitie

We’re happy to announce we found a home for Whitie and He has his own Flock of Lohmann Hens. 

Whitie The Rooster Found A New Home

We’re still looking for a new Home for our Easter Egger couple, Red & Little Crow… 

Easter Eggers Red and Little Crow

If You’d like to give our

Easter Egger Red and Little Crow

A good Home

Please contact us.

Beautiful White Rooster For Sale

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Beautiful White Rooster For Sale

We hand raised this beautiful 18 Week Old Rooster. He’s calm enough to be handled and smart enough to make a great addition to Your Flock. He resembles his Father a beautiful White Orpington. We’re keeping his brother as our second Rooster, and this guy needs a good home before it’s time for Freezer Camp! Call 902-907-0770.

Rooster: White Orpington / Brown Layer

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Rooster: White Orpington / Brown Layer

Unique Cockerel (Young Rooster) hatched September 11, 2020. Father was a White Orpington Father, and Mother a Brown Layer. Resulting in unique dual purpose birds with solid legs, big breasts, and good egg production. Adding this Free Ranged Rooster to Your Coop May help boost the size of your future chickens and eggs. Not to mention provide a big Rooster to provide security and protection for your flock! While His being hand raised, helps make Him an easy to handle Rooster. Asking $15 OBO.

The Scoop on the Chicken Coop

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The Scoop at the Chicken Coop

We’ve had three groups of Chickens here at Briden Farm, all at various ages and stages! All housed in three different houses, or smaller pens, and now we’re working to move them all in a larger Coop where they’ll all coincide. This video shows the morning after the night before, when Jack and the Gang, and Henny Penny (AKA: Mother Hen) and her two chicks, Chicky and Picky, spent their first night in the new coop which we’ve built from Pallets, Slabwood, and up cycled materials. Tonight we hope to add Buddy, our big Rooster, and four others we call the Biddies, to the Coop. So, that’s the Scoop on the Coop!