Tag: Nova Scotia

Preparing for Winter with a Larger Woodbox At Briden Farm

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Preparing for Winter with a Larger Woodbox

For most of the Fall we’ve readied our Woodstove, and brought in a couple Banana Boxes of Wood to last from one day till the next. Most of which time we had temperatures in or around the freezing point at its coldest. 

Now, as Winter approaches, just 6 days to go, we’re now seeing much colder days, and nights. Dropping down around Minus Ten Celsius or about 10 Fahrenheit. Which when I lived in Cape Breton is the temp I waited for, sometimes a week or longer, so I could walk from Cain’s Mountain to my closest neighbours in Ottawa Brook. 

However, these days, I find -10 °C / 10 °F to be a little cold! 

So, we’re Preparing for Winter at Briden Farm with a bigger Woodbox allows us to have enough wood for more than a day. Not having to cut, chop, or bring in Wood everyday takes some of the pressure off, and makes it a little easier on real stormy days! 

The forecast for the next few days is for up to 8” of Snow! So, this old Steamer Trunk will make a great Woodbox and can hold enough wood for a few days! 

We Light a Candle for the Crew of the Chief William Saulis

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Lighting a Candle for You

The Chief William Saulis is a Scallop Dragger out of Digby, Nova Scotia. Today there is a search being conducted after a Distress Call was sent at about 6am this morning. It may seem strange, or even opportunistic for a Farm Website to write about this, but truth is when You live in Nova Scotia, come from a Fisherman’s Family, and live only a few hundred yards from the Salt, the Salt gets in your Blood. 

When You’re from here, You know the risks, the men, and women, who fish upon these waters are brave, hard working, and seaworthy. When tragedy hits, we all Pray! 

So, sitting here, looking out my candle lit window, my mind drifts to years past, many years past, when if this happened the people ashore would go down to the shore and light lamps and candles to pray and help light their way. Hoping against hope, that all will return safe!

Our minds turn to the Families, even our own families, for we’re all in this together. Never knowing when times will be good, or when tragedy will come upon. We all hold one another dear. We share their fear, and we pray! 

So, even here, at Briden Farm, overlooking the Head of the Tide here in Bear River, We Light a Candle for the Crew of the Chief William Saulis, and for their Families as well. Praying For The Best. 


Thai Food at Briden Farm

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Thai Food at Briden Farm

So, when it come to cleaning up our leftovers this week, we decided to take some inspiration from our friend Tak Phi who sells Authentic Thai Food at the Bear River Legion on Thursdays from 4:30-7pm.  

Now, when Tak makes her Authentic Thai Food it’s not made from leftovers! However, that’s exactly what ours was made from! We used the leftover Meats, Mushrooms, and other leftovers from a recent Breakfast at Briden Farm and puréed Baked Squash and Watkins Curry Herbs and Spices

Now, if You want some incredible Authentic Thai food, go see our friend Tak at the Bear River Legion on Thursday Evenings! If that won’t work for You, checkout her posts on Digby Talks on FaceBook!

Oh! While there, take time to Visit our Briden Farm FaceBook Page

It Takes A Large Skillet for Making Breakfast at Briden Farm

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A Large Skillet for Making Breakfast at Briden Farm

We love having friends in, and one of our Favourite meals to prepare is Breakfast! Farm Fresh Eggs, Field Mushrooms, Smoked Bacon, Maple Sausage, and Oatmeal Pancakes are just a few of the things that might be included in a Breakfast at Briden Farm! So It Takes A Large Skillet for Making Breakfast at Briden Farm! For now, we gladly make these incredible breakfasts for friends, although someday we hope to do this for AirBnB Guests!