Tag: Free Ranged

Eggs A Sure Sign Of Spring

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Beautiful Easter Eggs

It’s this time of year, when the days begin to lengthen, and our Hens begin to lay more, and more, it’s a sure sign of Spring! It may not be here yet, in fact we’re having a small snow storm today, but it’s coming and it’s just around the corner! I can feel it in my bones! Or maybe it’s just the Cold! 

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Today we had 18 Eggs! Possibly our biggest days since starting the Farm! Last year, five or six of our hens got broody and hatched 🐣 about 30 Chicks 🐥 

Now, those Young Chicks have grown up and they’re starting to lay! We still have too many Easter Egger Roosters! Our Roosters are naturally hatched, well handled, and gentle! They also come from a good line of Flock Protectors! Maybe you can give a good home to a Rooster? 

The nice thing is, going out to the Coop and seeing the nest boxes full of eggs! Whether the eggs get eaten, or we make Pickled Eggs, or they get used, or Sold as Hatching Eggs, it’s always nice to have an abundance of Fresh Farm Eggs! 

Nothing says Spring like the beautiful sunshine that pours out of a fried egg! No matter how it’s cooked, it’s eggactly what the Season calls for! 

In fact, not only do we have lots of Fresh Hen eggs from our Chickens, We’ve also started getting Muscovy Duck Eggs! 🥚 🥚 🥚 🥚 🥚 🥚 

So, in the weeks to come, we should not only have lots of Eggs, but also have lots of Chicks and Muscovy Ducklings! 🐥 🐥 🐥 🐥 🐥 🐥  

So whether You’re looking to come embrace, the fun, at Briden Farm, and spend some time with our Chickens and Ducks, and Goats, and other Animals, or You’re looking for Hatching Eggs, or Chicks, or Ducklings, or whatever you’re looking for, hopefully we can help! Or help You find it! 

Have Questions? Call Brian at 902-907-0770 

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Jack the Rooster Kids T
Jack the Rooster Polycotton Kids Crewneck T-shirt

Beautiful Easter Eggs At Briden Farm

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A Rainbow Of Easter Eggs

Such beautiful colours produced by our Easter Egger, Orpington, and Mixed Flock Chickens, here at Briden Farm. Questions? 902-907-0770  

The Booty Chase Chicken Game for Kids is a fun game, and You know how much we like to have fun here at Briden Farm! So, we thought You might like this affiliate link…

Booty Chase Chicken Game for Kids



An Incredible Farm Grown Breakfast

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Farm Grown Breakfast

There’s nothing quite like having a breakfast, or other meal, that is grown or raised on the Farm! Not everything we eat here is grown or raised here, but we’re getting to a point that nearly every meal has something from here! We have our own milk, sometimes we make cheese, we have eggs, chicken, bacon, sausage, pork, fruits, berries, vegetables, and even some herbal teas! It’s so rewarding! Come visit us at Briden Farm, where the tea is always on and the Coffee is not far behind! Friends and Family Always Welcome! 

Peeling Farm Fresh Free Ranged Eggs

Farm Fresh Free Range Eggs

If you’ve tried to peel a truly fresh, Farm Fresh Free Range, Egg it’s possible that You have uttered a few choice words! If not… Congratulations! 

Peeling Farm Fresh Free Range Eggs is not easy! 

However, according to The Prairie Homestead there is a way to get Hard Boiled Farm Fresh Eggs that are easy to peel! (Click Here for More Info

We tried this, and while it was easier, much easier, it wasn’t perfect! However, we didn’t have a proper basket and seal. Had we been able to put the cover tight on our pot, and followed with a cold water bath,I think this would have totally worked! As it was, it was the easiest We’ve ever peeled an egg and it even seemed to preserve their great taste too! 

You may also be interested in reading our Post:

Making Pickled Eggs at Briden Farm