Chicken TV at Briden Farm: Update on Our New Chicks

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Our New Chicks at Briden Farm

During February 2021 we incubated some eggs and had 8 Chicks hatch out from Feb 22-24. Their Momma Chickens are Sassos, Buff Orpingtons, and Lohmanns. We believe their Father is Buddy The Rooster, who some know as the Star of Chicken TV at Briden Farm. 

While we are going to keep these Chicks, we may have more “Day Old Chicks” in the future, and we do have Hatching Eggs, so if You’d like to hatch some Chicks of Your Own please call us at 902-907-0770. 

Laying Out New Pasture At Briden Farm

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Fencing New Pasture

This photo, or should I say this amalgamation of three photos shows the appropriate layout of the new pasture for our Nigerian Dwarf Goats. Or at least the Does, Snow White, Momma, and Nanna! 

Till now, they’ve enjoyed having their Pasture on the Hillside in two rotational areas. However those have been quite well browsed upon and the simple fact is the Goats are bored of that area. when they get bored, they get out of the pasture. The simple truth is we don’t have a lot of great fencing! However, we’re blessed because, although the Girls could get out anytime, they only escape when they get bored! 

So the new area will provide them at least a few weeks of entertainment and also some fresh new browse. It’s mostly flat ground directly behind the house and while smaller, only about 40 x 70’ it’ll provide an easy to watch, gentler area for the time Nanna and Momma move into their Kidding season. Nanna is due the end of March and Momma the first of May. 

It also can be expanded to the Hillside on an untouched area with another approximate 80×80’ Square. So, for the next three weeks or so, till Momma freshens (gives birth to her kids), we’ll leave them in the smaller pasture.

Once she  freshens we’ll expand it while she’s spending time inside with her kids. We’ll make it so it can be split in two. So when Nanna comes out with her kids they can be in the first section and Momma and Snow White can be in the Hillside area. That is till Momma freshens the first of May, then we’ll rotate it. 

Have Questions, want more info? Come visit us at Briden Farm, where the Tea is Always On and the Coffee is not far behind! 

What Would You Think if You Saw This!?

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What Would You Think if You Saw This

What would You think? If You Saw the Scene above at Your Front Door!? I was sure something had happened to our boy Jack! See, Jack was hand raised by us, from just 2-1/2 weeks old. Now, he’s laying on his side on our cement step! 

Now, what do You think We Saw when We took a closer look!? 
Click Here to See What We Saw!