Category: Technology at the Farm

You’re Invited… We’re working to Build Community

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Building Communities with Briden Farm

We believe that when we work together we all win! That’s why we’re working to build Community! We want to help others shine! We’ve built it! For You & Us Too!

Now We want You to join us to share Your ideas and experiences as we work together to build one another. To that end we’ve invested time and money to build it…

Our Stats show we’ve had over 200,000 Visitors make over 560,000 Visits to our website. Currently averaging one Visit about every 93 Seconds! Not to mention the other platforms! Now we’re sharing our success with other Homesteaders and Small Farm Families. 

Here’s what we’ve built so far … – Website & Blog

BridenFarm.Productions – Videos & Podcasts

     Where we invite You to Be our Guest and tell us about You – Live Broadcasts

     Where we invite You to Be part of the Show to Share Your Story and Ask Questions – Live Audio Chats

     Lets Chat about it! A Chance for You to Join the Conversation! 

Briden Farm Clubhouse – A Place to Hangout 

     An Online Meeting Place for You and Your Guests too! – Monthly Highlights

Loving Our New Podcasting Vlogging Website!

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New Podcasting Vlogging Website for Briden Farm

Ok, so, you’ve probably heard of a Podcast. Right? 
It’s an audio recording of what we might otherwise include in a Blog Post. 

Actually it’s more than that, it’s more personal and often connects at a deeper level. 

Our Briden Farm Podcasting shares our homesteading and farming experiences and other things of interest. Our Categories include Today at Briden Farm, Precious Little Moments, Fireside Chats, Farmhouse Recipes, Briden Farm Animals, and two categories based on our non-farming interests, Growing Your Family Tree where Brian helps you get started finding family and ancestry for free, and Reading Out Loud where we’re currently reading The Wonderful Wizard of Oz! 

Our new Podcasting Website not only brings all these Podcasts together in an easy to access place online, it also draws in all our YouTube Videos! 

That brings us to Vlogging! Have You heard of that? 

Vlogging is kind of like Blogging, like what we do here on this website. 
The difference is instead of me writing it and you reading, it’s videos! 

Our new Podcasting and Vlogging Website simply makes it easy to access all our Videos and Podcasts in one place! Click Here to Visit Briden Farm Podcasting 

Contemplating Launching A Briden Farm Podcast

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Podcasting from Briden Farm

We’ve been asked lately why we don’t have a Podcast? 

A good question! Not sure we have a good answer, except that there are only so many hours in a day! 

Honestly, I also have wondered if Podcasts are still “A Thing”? I used to have a Podcast, years ago! So, I wondered if was it was still popular enough to warrant a second look!? 

Much to my surprise, according to … 

  • Over 55% of the US population have listened to a podcast
  • In 2020 over 155 million people listen to a podcast every week
  • Around 24% of the US population (68 million) listen to multiple podcasts weekly

Now, I’m not sure how many there are in Canada 🍁??? 

As I write that, I can hear my Mom, she passed in 2004, but I can still hear her say, “Look it up!” 

So, I just looked it up! 

According to there are .. 

“one third of Canadian adults claim to have listened to a podcast in the past month” 

Now, I wonder how many of our friends, fans, and followers are listening? What’s Your Favourite Podcast? 

Honestly, I thought Videos, and YouTube, would be more popular? Right? Well, yes, it seems about 71% of Canadians watch YouTube! However, when we think that in some ways you have to sit down when watching, but you can listen to a Podcast on the move! I guess it makes sense in our busy world that more, and more, people will use Podcasts! 

So, why not? Timing is everything and it seems like Podcasting is gaining popularity! So, we’ve gone as far as setting up our Podcasting Website… 

Briden Farm Hugs

I know that’s a funny name for a Farm Podcast!
You’ll have to Click Through to See Why! 

Briden Farm Hugs

I Love These…

Macrame Angel Wings Tapestry

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Briden Farm Technologies

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New Technologies at Briden Farm

Sounds funny! Doesn’t it? Technology at a Homesteading Farm! In fact, today’s farms, large commercial type farms, rely on technological advances for many operations. 

For us, like everything else at Briden Farm, it’s mostly about fun! Our whole philosophy is one that encourages you to leave your fears behind and embrace, the fun, at Briden Farm, where the Tea is Always On and The Coffee is not far behind! 

So, from our traditional old wood stove, to our new Briden Farm TV Channel and now, our new, Briden Farm App! It’s all about giving us all new ways to connect, new ways to have fun, and embrace not only the old, but the new! 

So, Use these links to learn more about our

Briden Farm TV


Briden Farm App