Category: Survival

Things Are Going Downhill At Briden Farm

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Roscoe Loves His Harness

Lately, that’s kind of how it feels! Denis has been in the Hospital twice in the past four months, since September 2021. Once with heart issues, and the other stomach related. The first time put us behind on our Fall Chores and made preparations for Winter even more difficult. Then, the most recent stint, actually lasting longer than the visit to the hospital for his heart, it put us in a more tedious position of trying to keep ahead of two Winter Storms, and actually a third this weekend. As I write this today the winds are ranging and the snow is falling and rapidly accumulating outside. Guess that’s better than inside! 

As a result, we’re in a position of playing catch-up, and to make that more complicated our quarter mile Laneway, also known as Rice Mullen Road, has been almost completely snowed in for about two weeks now! 

So, we’re doing everything possible to adjust! Including teaching our Dogs, Roscoe and Holly to help out more and more! Roscoe helps Dad bring in Firewood and helping to Haul our Toboggan, he even helped when Denis recently made The Journey Home

However, even with all that going on we continue to keep things positive and embrace, fun, at Briden Farm. Thus, this video, of me out further breaking the trail, while playing with the dogs, after a recent snowfall. 

Hope You enjoy the video, sorry for the poor audio quality… 

Clean Your Wood Stove and Chimney

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Clean Your Stove and Chimney

So,You’ve got your Homestead, perhaps a few hens, goats, pigs, ducks (we have Muscovy Ducks), and a few others things to tend to! Those things warm the cockles of the heart. One of the other things, that warms the hearth is your fireplace, or Wood Stove, and Chimney! It’s those things that I’m a talkin about today! Sorry to be waxing poetic, but I’ll be after watching the movie Wild Mountain Thyme. A good yarn it is to be sure!

Anyway, it’s that time of year, when the Fireplace, or Woodstove, and Chimney need a good cleaning! Yes, that’s right, right now in the middle of the Winter! The creosote has been building up, and it’s a good idea to take and do it on a warmer of the days. It’s a good precaution to be taking for sure! An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! 

A good cleaning may just prevent a fire and save your home, and homestead. From our Home to Yours, we wish Ye a safe and blessed Winter and know that it’s now less than 55 Days till Spring! That’s a Blessed thing to be sure! 

Now, You should know that if Ye be clicking the links on this website it might be earning me a small pittance! Although if Ye shall watch the movie Wild Mountain Thyme.the heart warming entertainment You’ll receive be far more valuable than any pittance that might come my way! It rivals that of a visit to Briden Farm! If Ye be not believing me, do both, and Ye be the judge! 

The Journey Home

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The Journey Home

Living remotely has its challenges, but when you have Holly the Snow Dog to lead the way, and Roscoe the Sled Dog to help Dad pull the toboggan, anything is possible!

Today, we helped Daddy Denis make the journey home after his stay in Yarmouth Hospital. It was an uphill haul for awhile there, but it’s well worth it, and just glad we’re all back home, safe, and together! P

Roscoe Helps Dad Bring In Firewood

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Roscoe Helping With Firewood

Yes! He really does!

Every time I bring in an armload, Roscoe brings a stick….

I think it probably accounts for at least one wood box full every week!

When He’s not helping fill the wood box,

He’s helping pull the toboggan! To see that read,

Roscoe The Sled Dog At Briden Farm