Category: Gardening

A Tractor Ride at Briden Farm Part 3

A Tractor Ride at Briden Farm (Pt. 3)

So thankful You’ve taken time to share in our ride! 

In A Tractor Ride at Briden Farm Part 1 and A Tractor Ride at Briden Farm Part 2 You got to see how we’re turning our Woodlands to Pasture and later to Gardens with the help of our Nigerian Dwarf Goats and our Berkshire Tamworth Pigs. How we’re making fencing from up-cycling old Mink Cages, and even how much of a slope we have on certain parts of Briden Farm. In fact, You even discovered that sometimes I think it’s better to turn the camera off and concentrate on our driving! 

Now, get ready for A Tractor Ride at Briden Farm Part 3. In Part 3 You’ll see the conclusion, you’ll see how far I got, and get a sneak peek at the journey back! 

Thanks so much for watching our videos! I learnt a few things making this three part series of A Tractor Ride at Briden Farm. One thing is, now that we’ve got Fibe from Bell it takes minutes, not hours, to upload videos! This means that next time, I can do a long length video and know that it’s possible to get it uploaded! It also makes me think it might be nice to have a GoPro camera and some related equipment to make even better videos! Not sure how soon we can do that, but with your support maybe it’ll happen sooner rather than later! 

Click Here To watch more Briden Farm Videos 

A Tractor Ride at Briden Farm Part 2

A Tractor Ride Pt. 2

So, hopefully you’re here after watching A Tractor Ride at Briden Farm Part 1. In that video You saw a bit of how we’re changing Woodlands into Pasture and soon to be Gardens. You also saw how we are up cycling old Mink Cages, and turning them into Fencing! Plus a little look at some of our animals. At the end of Part One, I actually chickened out, due to the steep terrain and decided I better stop filming and concentrate on my driving!  

Now in A Tractor Ride at Briden Farm Pt. 2 you’ll get to see what happens next, and find out how far I was able to go… hint… it was further than ever before! 

Here’s Part Two…

Hope You enjoyed that!? 

Click Here for A Tractor Ride at Briden Farm (Part Three)

A Tractor Ride at Briden Farm

A Tractor Ride Pt. 1

This one was fun! I hope You have as much fun watching it as I did recording it! It’s actually in 3 Parts, and that’s for a few reasons. One, up till now, a video of 2 minutes took me about 20 minutes to upload! The second is, although we thankfully just got FiberOp, or Fibe as Bell now calls it, I wasn’t sure how much faster it would really do the upload. The third reason, and this one is kind of laughable, I chickened out during part of the ride! Well, actually I turned it off, at the end of part one, because the terrain was so sloped I wanted to concentrate on my driving! 

So, that was part one, and I probably should have warned you about the noise! I also apologize for the noise making it difficult to hear me! I am a low talker, and I try to speak up, but it’s difficult for me! I’ll try to do better in Part Two! 

Click Here to Watch Part Two