Tag: Vegetable Gardens

Coping with Flooded Gardens

Dealing with Flooded Gardens

Over the past week or so we’ve had continuous rainy weather. My guesstimate is about 8 to 10 inches o rain with more still to come! At least another inch or so over the next twenty four hours. The gardens have been floode, standing water, running water, almost stagnant in some places. Not to mention road ways washing out and giving way to pot holes, and even rock slides! So, what does one do during these times!? This video will show you what I’ve been doing to help compensate… 

Want to learn more about Gardening? Livestock? Farming? Come be a Volunteer! 
come for a Day, a Week, or a Month! We’ll provide your Room and Board in exchange for your working while learning experience! 

Check out our WWOOF Host profile and read the recent review!


Briden Farm Gardens at The Barn Property

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Barn Property Gardens 2023

The following photos will give you an idea of the size of our Briden Farm Gardens at The Barn Property. I haven’t exactly measured it, but a rough measurement and guesstimate would be about 7000-7500 Sq ft. Plus, we have about 1000-1200 Sq Ft of Garden at Briden Farm. Combined it’s about 1/5 of an acre. All on ground that was worked up by our Pigs and Goats. Then tilled with a rear tine tiller, and planted by hand. 

Now the real work begins! Removing Rocks, Weeding, and Tilling and Hilling over 300’ of Potatoes. Then, later, it’ll be steaming the peas, and maybe the tomatoes. Although I’m thinking about replanting the tomatoes! I originally planted seeds, and should have used Seedlings. 

There are definitely some things that could be doing better! The cucumbers haven’t come up yet, so thinking I may have to replant those too! 

The things that seem to be coming along the best are, Potatoes, Onions, and Corn. Hopefully they continue to thrive. 

Any way you look at it, it’s a lot of work!

Learning to Turn Organic Materials into Beautiful Gardens

Tom & Jerry Tilling Our Garden

Are You interested in learning how to turn organic matter into beautiful gardens? Learn to Grow! Herbs, Flowers, and Vegetables, using Organic Materials!

My Dad used to say, “I tell people I have Organic Cucumbers and they come from miles around. If I told them they grow on Hen Shit, no one would come!” 

If you’re up for getting your hands dirty, and willing to put some effort into the learning, You’re invited to come learn how to turn organic matter into beautiful gardens. 

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