Tag: Corn

Corny Dolls at Briden Farm

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Corn Dolls

This is sort of a takeoff of something I’ve wondered about for a long time! Did the Wampanoag or Pequot or perhaps the Pilgrims (All Ancestors) ever make Dolls like this from the corn they grew? These are made from the Dent Corn we planted and we’ll dry them to use for next year’s seed. Dent Corn is used for both making Corn Meal and Livestock Feed.

A little research shows that many of the Tribes, and others, have made Corn Dolls, and many of them make mine look primitive!

All Grown By Briden Farm

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Grown By Briden Farm

It does the body good! The mind, Body, and Spirit actually! When you have a meal as wonderful as this and you know that you’ve grown it all! From the Woodland Pastured Pork to the new Irish Cobbler Potatoes. From the freshly harvested green and yellow bush beans to the deliciously sweet carrots! Even the tender, succulent, corn! This year we feed ourselves, perhaps next year we’ll have some to sell. Come learn about what we do and how we do it and how you can too! Come for a Farm Tour, spend time with the animals and walk our gardens! Contact Brian at BridenFarm.com phone 📞 902-907-0770 to Book Your Farm Tour!

Briden Farm Gardens at The Barn Property

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Barn Property Gardens 2023

The following photos will give you an idea of the size of our Briden Farm Gardens at The Barn Property. I haven’t exactly measured it, but a rough measurement and guesstimate would be about 7000-7500 Sq ft. Plus, we have about 1000-1200 Sq Ft of Garden at Briden Farm. Combined it’s about 1/5 of an acre. All on ground that was worked up by our Pigs and Goats. Then tilled with a rear tine tiller, and planted by hand. 

Now the real work begins! Removing Rocks, Weeding, and Tilling and Hilling over 300’ of Potatoes. Then, later, it’ll be steaming the peas, and maybe the tomatoes. Although I’m thinking about replanting the tomatoes! I originally planted seeds, and should have used Seedlings. 

There are definitely some things that could be doing better! The cucumbers haven’t come up yet, so thinking I may have to replant those too! 

The things that seem to be coming along the best are, Potatoes, Onions, and Corn. Hopefully they continue to thrive. 

Any way you look at it, it’s a lot of work!

Affordable Livestock Feed

Affordable Livestock Feed

We have a supply of Hemp Seed Feed and 4 Grain Scratch (Barley, Oats, Corn, and Wheat) at great prices! 

According to the Atlantic Poultry Research Institute, Hemp seed, “is a valuable source of protein, energy, and long chain fatty acids.” 
Click Here to Read the APRI Report 

A few months ago, a group of local friends, farmers, got together to bring in Livestock Feed by the Tonne. Allowing us to reduce our Livestock Feed costs. 

Among those of us who are getting the feed we have had success feeding the Hemp to our Chickens, Ducks, Cattle, Pigs, Goats, and more! Actually seeing real, visible, results! Hemp is a high Protein Feed with Omegas and essential oils and our source is for Human Grade Food!

Our suppliers are making the feed available for us, and we’re able to make it available for others, while helping to reduce Feed Costs! 

If You’d like to Save on your Livestock Feed, please contact Brian at Briden Farm. 902-907-0770 

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