Tag: Composting

Growing A Self Sustaining Future

Creating Compost

When we think of growing self sustaining, we often think of gardening and the meat we can put on the plate. However, to be truly self sustaining we need go deeper than this! We really need to begin and work from the ground up! For only then can we truly become free! 

We need to produce our own fertilizer, preferably natural fertilizer, and develop our own food and feed. Without fertilizer, without the ability to create our own fertilizer we will always be beholden to others. Dependent on the System! 

Perhaps that is why it gives me such immense pleasure to see us turning animal waste, manure, hay, etc., into well developed compost. It will in turn be used in our gardens, and eventually to help grow livestock feed! 

While manure and compost may not be the end all and be all, it sure does provide an uncanny sense of accomplishment! Just knowing we’re that much closer to being able to grow our own food, and survive when the crap hits the fan! 

Creating Compost helps a Self Sustaining Future 

Want to learn more?

Call Brian at Briden Farm to book a visit: 902-907-0770 



Learning to Turn Organic Materials into Beautiful Gardens

Tom & Jerry Tilling Our Garden

Are You interested in learning how to turn organic matter into beautiful gardens? Learn to Grow! Herbs, Flowers, and Vegetables, using Organic Materials!

My Dad used to say, “I tell people I have Organic Cucumbers and they come from miles around. If I told them they grow on Hen Shit, no one would come!” 

If you’re up for getting your hands dirty, and willing to put some effort into the learning, You’re invited to come learn how to turn organic matter into beautiful gardens. 

Want More Info!
Click Here


Imagine Getting Free Animal Feed

Helping Complete The Loop

Yesterday We were contacted by Loop Resource, and as I listened to the Voice Mail message left by Claudia, I could hear the sincerity in Her voice! Her message was well timed, after a very rough, difficult, week, it was the encouragement we needed! Claudia’s message told of a system that was helping to complete the “Loop”. I really encourage You to go read the “About” page on the Loop Resource Website. Think about it, the Grocery Stores rely on Farmers to get their produce, fruits and vegetables, and they sell them, or most of them, at a profit and sadly there is waste, waste in the form of leftovers. Things that don’t get sold by their best before date. With fruit and vegetables that best before date May not be stamped on them, but it’s there, in the wilted leaves, shrivelled skin, or browning spots, etc. Unfortunately, far to often, these items get sent to the Landfill. Loop Resources helps to complete the Loop by seeing that where possible these items, especially the fruit and vegetables and other organic materials get returned to farms! The Farmers then use these materials for Animal Feed and Compost. Which helps cut costs, insures animals are given a variety of fruits and vegetables and other materials. It also helps Farmers develop more compost, which helps to naturally build the soil that more feed and crops can be grown on. So, in this process, the Loop is complete! The good news is, Loop Resource is in the process of expanding in Nova Scotia, and more Specifically Digby, Nova Scotia, where we will soon be doing our part here at Briden Farm and helping and benefiting, at no cost to us, by helping complete the Loop!

Perhaps the best part is, Loop Resource is looking for a few more Farms to participate in the Program! So, whether you’re in Digby County, Nova Scotia or other areas, we invite you to contact us, or Loop Resources, for information on how You and Your Farm can benefit! 

Seeking Fruit, Vegetable, and Other Compostables

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Livestock Help With Composting And Natural Fertilizers

We are gearing up for another Year of Gardening and we’re wondering how many of our local friends and supporters have left over fruits, vegetables, and other Compostable Wastes? Not only do we have a Compost Pile, but we also have a number of helpers, Chickens, Ducks, Rabbits, Goats, and Pigs, that all help in the process! Perhaps, if we get enough local support, we may even get to a point where we can help provide natural fertilizers back to the Community. For now, however, we’re simply asking for Your help! If You have left over fruit, vegetables, or other compostables, please contact us at #BridenFarm 902-907-0770