Start with great locally grown Beef Steaks, Field Mushrooms gathered in the Summer at the peak of perfection, Sautéed Onions, and Oven Baked Squash. Then add Watkins Herbs and Spices, and You’ve go a meal fit for a King! Or Queen!
Perhaps this should be titled, Candles Burning Bright, but last night the people of Bear River, Nova Scotia may have thought they saw A UFO Over Bear River! Especially if they were in the area of Head of the Tide, near Parker Road, or coming down the Hill, from,L’sitkuk, the Bear River First Nation. For there we’re definitely strange lights in the night sky!
These “Lights” certainly may have looked like an unidentified flying object! A UFO Over Bear River!
Truth be known, it was actually Candles Burning Bright in the Windows at Briden Farm! However, since most people don’t know where Rice Mullen Road is, nor remember there’s a house “up there”, it would certainly appear as A UFO Over Bear River!
Brian Hurlburt, locally known by many as The Bear River Hobbit, and Denis moved back to Bear River earlier this year when they bought the old Jack Harris place on Rice Mullen Road. They’ve started a small Hobby Farm there, with Nigerian Dwarf Goats and numerous Chickens.
Brian is he one who, twelve years ago, had the Hobbits Hollow gift shop in Chester Colbeck’s old Barber Shop across from the Rebecca Hall, and Sissiboo Coffee Roaster, and become known as the…
The Hobbits Hollow, Bear River, N.S. (Circa 2008)
Brian & Denis invite visitors to Briden Farm to see their animals and to escape the worries of the world, as they embrace the peacefulness and fun to be found by those who visit Briden Farm in Bear River.
Snow on The Mountain at Briden Farm lends it’s own special charm an warmth! Sounds funny to say snow can add charm and warmth, but when it clings to the branches, fences, and other areas like frosting on a cake, it is best described as adding charm and warmth.
Here at Briden Farm we have a great flock of chickens. Sadly too many Roosters, young cockerels! So we’re looking to get rid of a few! These are from good laying and meat stock, and great looking and dual purpose birds. So, we’d like to find people who need them. If that’s You, please let us know! 902-907-0770