Tag: Livestock Feed

Hemp Seed Feed

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Hemp Seed Feed Waffers

So, awhile back I saw an Ad for Human Grade Hemp Seed. The benefits of Hemp Seed and Hemp Hearts seem to be many, and I’ve even heard of one fellow who grinds the hemp seed and mixes it with Spelt to make flour to bake with. The Health Benefits alone seem to be staggering, and Healthline says, “Though hemp seeds have only recently become popular in the West, they’re a staple food in many societies and provide excellent nutritional value.”

So, seeing it’s used by so many people, not only for themselves, but for feeding livestock also, we figured that would be a good place to start! 

So, now, our Group of Ten Friends has been feeding Hemp for about a week and a half now. Together we feed Chickens, both meat birds and laying hens, Muscovy Ducks, Pigs, Goats, Cattle, and even our Dogs like it! We’ve had positive feedback from nearly all of our friends. Although it took us a bit of time to figure out how to use it. 

Personally we’ve noticed the condition of our Goats coats improve! Our oldest milking goat, Eve, has definitely had an improvement. Her coat has a visible sheen and I think her over all condition is improving. I’m mixing her Milk Generator with the Hemp, and moistening it, and serving it semi moist. Wet, they don’t like it, and to dry they aren’t to fond of it, but slightly moistened it all gets cleaned up! 

We’ve also started mixing it in with our Layena and serving it wet to our hens, and also to our Muscovy Ducks. They totally clean it up! Leaving little, if anything, behind to attract Rodents! Which is a definite plus! 

HempTrade.ca claims, “Hemp used in livestock feed is a very significant opportunity as a source of high quality protein, energy, fibre and other nutritional benefits.” 

Further claiming that, “Products from hemp seed are well suited for poultry, swine, horses, beef and dairy cattle.”

Certainly our early observations indicate hemp’s high protein, omegas, and other factors, seem to be an excellent match for our livestock and poultry!

When it comes to our Hens, we and our friends using the hemp, have approximately 35-40% Laying Rate. 35-40% Laying rate seems good considering we’re heading into shorter days, colder temperatures, and molting season!

Especially, considering I’m reading on Atlantic Poultry FaceBook Groups that many people are seeing lay rates as low as 10-20%.

Personally I contribute our higher lay rates to the higher protein in Hemp; typically about 25% Protein.

See, hens require protein to help grow feathers, especially during and after molting, and that usually causes a drop in egg production, or Laying Rates. 

I believe having the hens utilize the higher amounts of Hemp Protein means less stress on their bodies, allowing for a more steady egg production.

Most feed, from Feed Stores only have feeds in the 15-20% range. Making hemps higher, usually about 25% protein, the better choice! Another definite benefit is the more affordable cost of our feeding Hemp!

If you’d like more information about our experience with hemp, feeding hemp, and our feeding regime at Briden Farm, please contact us at 902-907-0770. 

Seeking Garden Wastes and Old Vegetables

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Two Goats Milking At Briden Farm

So, it’s that time of year when we all have garden wastes, Halloween leftovers, pumpkins, squash, old hay and straw bales, etc. As it happens Goats and Chickens love all those things! So, if you’re wondering what to do with your old pumpkins and straw bales and so on, our critters would love to have them. You can drop them off, come feed them to our animals when we’re here, or we may even be able to come get them. We can also make use of your raked leaves and yard scraps for our compost.

Please Contact Brian at (902) 907-0770 

Photo from HobbyFarms.com

PS: The photo above has been borrowed from HobbyFarms.com who have an excellent article about using Pumpkins for Goats.
Click Here to read the Hobby Farm article now

Imagine Getting Free Animal Feed

Helping Complete The Loop

Yesterday We were contacted by Loop Resource, and as I listened to the Voice Mail message left by Claudia, I could hear the sincerity in Her voice! Her message was well timed, after a very rough, difficult, week, it was the encouragement we needed! Claudia’s message told of a system that was helping to complete the “Loop”. I really encourage You to go read the “About” page on the Loop Resource Website. Think about it, the Grocery Stores rely on Farmers to get their produce, fruits and vegetables, and they sell them, or most of them, at a profit and sadly there is waste, waste in the form of leftovers. Things that don’t get sold by their best before date. With fruit and vegetables that best before date May not be stamped on them, but it’s there, in the wilted leaves, shrivelled skin, or browning spots, etc. Unfortunately, far to often, these items get sent to the Landfill. Loop Resources helps to complete the Loop by seeing that where possible these items, especially the fruit and vegetables and other organic materials get returned to farms! The Farmers then use these materials for Animal Feed and Compost. Which helps cut costs, insures animals are given a variety of fruits and vegetables and other materials. It also helps Farmers develop more compost, which helps to naturally build the soil that more feed and crops can be grown on. So, in this process, the Loop is complete! The good news is, Loop Resource is in the process of expanding in Nova Scotia, and more Specifically Digby, Nova Scotia, where we will soon be doing our part here at Briden Farm and helping and benefiting, at no cost to us, by helping complete the Loop!

Perhaps the best part is, Loop Resource is looking for a few more Farms to participate in the Program! So, whether you’re in Digby County, Nova Scotia or other areas, we invite you to contact us, or Loop Resources, for information on how You and Your Farm can benefit!