Tom & Jerry Tilling Our Garden at Briden Farm

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Tom & Jerry Tilling Our Garden

Tom & Jerry arrived here, at Briden Farm, a week ago, and they’ve been busy tilling and fertilizing our proposed Garden plot. See, Tom & Jerry are our Berkshire Pigs, actually fixed, male, pigs are called Barrows, and these Barrows are doing a great job of fertilizing and tilling our garden. So, I guess, I should more accurately say Tom & Jerry are our Barrows! Hmmm… if they do this good a job tilling and fertilizing… can You imagine what would happen if we put Wheels on these Barrows!? 😉 

Poor Man’s Fertilizer

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Snow On The Mountain

The old folk taught that late Spring snow was poor man’s fertilizer. Science proves that as Snowflakes form and fall they absorb nitrates from the atmosphere and then release these nutrients into the soil as the snow melts. Then the plants utilize nitrate as an essential nutrient. Research confirms that nitrate improves water use efficiency and protects plants against heat and cold stress! Proving once again that those old folk sure know their stuff! 

Does and Kids at Play

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Does and Kids at Play

Why is it that as soon as you grab the camera the best shots stop!? Actually this short little video is of our three Does, Eve, Buttercup, Nanna, and Nanna’s two Nigerian Dwarf Goat Bucklings, Robbie & Nicky. Eve is an 11 year old Saanen Dairy Milking Goat, and Buttercup, who I like to call Oreo, is a Saanen/ Alpine mix. It’s nice to see them playing, we’ve switched things up lately and it’s good to see them all settled and getting along.