Category: Vegetables

An Incredible Farm Grown Breakfast

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Farm Grown Breakfast

There’s nothing quite like having a breakfast, or other meal, that is grown or raised on the Farm! Not everything we eat here is grown or raised here, but we’re getting to a point that nearly every meal has something from here! We have our own milk, sometimes we make cheese, we have eggs, chicken, bacon, sausage, pork, fruits, berries, vegetables, and even some herbal teas! It’s so rewarding! Come visit us at Briden Farm, where the tea is always on and the Coffee is not far behind! Friends and Family Always Welcome! 

Our First Meal Grown On Briden Farm

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First Home Grown Meal

Tonight was special, we’ve owned this place for one year and two weeks, to the day. So, this spring we used goats and pigs to clear land for pasture and some of that pasture we turned into garden. Unfortunately we won’t be getting much of a crop as the soil is very nitrogen deficient. 

As a result, I don’t expect to have enough potatoes for Winter, and the green and even the yellow beans I interplanted with them are stunted. So, we figure we might as well enjoy them now. 

We also have turned our Berkshire Pigs into Pork at this point and that’s currently being processed at the butcher. Today we got the heart and liver. We also picked enough new potatoes, and green and yellow beans, to make a nice supper. We actually bought the onions for the liver and onions, but everything else was grown here. Our first meal grown on Briden Farm. The Liver was like sweet, juicy, and tender… Steak! 

It’s an Exciting Day when the Vesseys Vegetable Seed Order Arrives

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Vegetable Seed Order from Vesseys

It may seem like a funny thing to some, but when the Vegetable Seed Order arrives from Vesseys it’s almost like Christmas! In fact, not to knock Christmas, but it’s almost better! After all, it means Spring is here, that it’ll soon be time to plant, and before long we’ll be eating fresh vegetables from our gardens. While we’ll be concentrating on growing what we need to survive, we might just have a few left over for sale to others.

For more information please call 902-907-0770 
