Category: The Scoop at The Coop

Peasants Taming Pheasants

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Peasants Taming Pheasants

Catchy Title! Eh? In the Spring we got a few Ring Neck Pheasants and as I read about ways to keep them it seemed they were too flighty to be kept in Chicken Tractors or ever be hand tamed. 

Over the past few months we worked to get them comfortable in mobile tractors. It’s help provide them with a new pasture salad everyday and they’ve even learned to follow along when we move it. 

I’ve also been slowly encouraging them to eat out a handheld feed dish. There are two or three who will come eat out of their dish when I’m holding it. 

Today, I was able to pickup one of the Cock Pheasants! Not only picked him up, but carried him to the barn, and house, and showed him off a bit before returning him to their Tractor. It was pretty neat, because he even tucked his head up under my chin as he sat in my hands and basically cuddled in my arms. 

It’s been so rainy, he was wet, cold, and hungry, so in a sense that helped! It really helped most because now He knows he can trust me! It should be interesting to see how he acts tomorrow and as the days go on. 

If I were smart, and breeding more for meat, than temperament, I’d probably keep and over Winter the largest, fastest growing, male, However, breeding more for temperament and some occasional meat, I think my new little friend will be the one chosen to over Winter with us. He and his three Hens! One or two of the Hens already eat out of the feed dish while I’m holding it. Once it’s just the four of them, and the others see it’s ok to trust, it might become even more interesting when they have chicks and together we raise those chicks. Chicks who are born here, and handled from a young age are usually the most friendly. Especially if their parents trust You! 

So, here we are, lowly peasants taming Pheasants!

White Old English Game Bantam Brothers

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Old English Game Cocks

These two brothers are pretty much inseparable, and thankfully they are also gentle and have never fought, with each other, nor our other Roosters! Denis shot this video of “The Boys” sitting on the Gate to the Muscovy Duck Pasture. 

View Even More Videos at BridenFarm.Productions

Easter Egger Old English Bantam Chicks

Easter Egger Old English Bantam Chicks

How’s that for a mouthful! 

Easter Egger Old English Bantam Chicks“ 

It’s a mouthful for sure! 

These beautiful little chicks were hatched, not incubated, and have the instinct to set on eggs. They’re also, small but mighty, even at a week old they’re very alert, always watching and they’ll make great flock protectors! They’ll let you know when something is up! These are both very attractive characteristics. You can even put a few of your other hens eggs under them! Let them help you expand, and protect, You existing flock, or keep them as a flock on their own! The6re just waiting for You to take them home! 

For more info, call Brian at Briden Farm, 902-907-0770