Category: Podcasting Stats

You’re Invited… We’re working to Build Community

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Building Communities with Briden Farm

We believe that when we work together we all win! That’s why we’re working to build Community! We want to help others shine! We’ve built it! For You & Us Too!

Now We want You to join us to share Your ideas and experiences as we work together to build one another. To that end we’ve invested time and money to build it…

Our Stats show we’ve had over 200,000 Visitors make over 560,000 Visits to our website. Currently averaging one Visit about every 93 Seconds! Not to mention the other platforms! Now we’re sharing our success with other Homesteaders and Small Farm Families. 

Here’s what we’ve built so far … – Website & Blog

BridenFarm.Productions – Videos & Podcasts

     Where we invite You to Be our Guest and tell us about You – Live Broadcasts

     Where we invite You to Be part of the Show to Share Your Story and Ask Questions – Live Audio Chats

     Lets Chat about it! A Chance for You to Join the Conversation! 

Briden Farm Clubhouse – A Place to Hangout 

     An Online Meeting Place for You and Your Guests too! – Monthly Highlights

Farmhouse Recipes: Oatmeal Pancakes

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Oatmeal Pancakes

One of our favourite recipes here at Briden Farm is Oatmeal Pancakes. We have used the recipe without fail for years, and we found the original recipe in …

The Harrowsmith Cookbook Vol Two

The Harrowsmith Cookbook Volume Two

Of course we always mix it up a bit! On Purpose! Although it’s great exactly as it’s written on Pg. 21 of Harrowsmith Cookbook, we still like to make little adjustments. As we do with most all our food! 

So, here’s what we do…

We pour 2.5 cups of Briden Farm Goat Milk over 1.5 Cups of Oatmeal. Usually letting it sit for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile we sift together a cup of flour, a Tablespoon of brown sugar. Then about a half teaspoon of Sea Salt, and a teaspoon Cinnamon. The last two are Watkins Products. Click Here to Learn More About Those

We then mix in a Tablespoon of Baking Powder

Once all those dry ingredients are are well mixed, we add it to the Oatmeal Mixture. Then add a Briden Farm Egg, and a 1/4 Cup of Oil. Mixing Well. 

We usually mix this the night before, and let it Sit in the fridge overnight. 

The fresh Goat Milk, Free Range Egg, and Watkins Products make this taste so good! Plus, we find it so filling we only eat about half the number of Pancakes! Which means we often have extras! Would You like Some? 

You may be wondering why we called this Post, Farmhouse Recipes! That’s because we hope to bring a Weekly Podcast of Farmhouse Recipes to our Briden Farm Podcasting Channel every Week on Friday Mornings. 

Click Here for Briden Farm Podcasting

Oh! Don’t forget the Toppings!
Briden Farm Maple Syrup and Watkins Vanilla or Chai Powder!

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz at Briden Farm

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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

How’s that for a Title!? The Wonderful Wizard of Oz at Briden Farm! 

This is one of my favourite Books, the Wizard of Oz Movie was good, and I love to watch it, mouthing the words to nearly every line! Especially those of the Lion 🦁 , “I was born to be a Sissy!” Although today I am not half the Sissy I was when I was growing up! In part, at least, to this Book!

Anyway, the Book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum, as originally written is a significant piece of art, literature, and history! The Movie, as good as it is, leaves out some significant parts, uses artistic license to changes others, and should only ever be watched after reading the Book! Yet, if you’ve already watched the Movie, I’d still encourage You to read the Book! 

Anyway, I’ve always got a kick out of the Introduction to the Book. especially where it says, “… the story of “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” was written solely to please children of today. It aspires to being a modernized fairy tale, in which the wonderment and joy are retained and the heartaches and nightmares are left out.” By L. Frank Baum, Chicago, April, 1900.

For, that Introduction could be interpreted to mean that the only purpose was to, “please children of today”. Yet, here we are, over 100 years later, still talking about Dorothy! Yes, here at Briden Farm, we are definitely Friends of Dorothy!

So, after having recently been asked to join the Wisdom App Community, which I really enjoy. I’ve discovered it to be a great app, and even better Social Community.  The Wisdom Community is very supportive and encouraging and in many ways makes up for what is lacking on other Social Networks! The app allows me to ask questions and get live answers and to answer questions for Others. It also allows me to record and share my Talks, and Podcasts, with option to share directly to my Social Networks or to download it to use on our Briden Farm Podcasting, 

So, I’ve begun reading The Wonderful Wizard of Oz from a coy of the Public Domain Book available on I read it, out loud, on Wisdom, where by the way, You can ask me a question and get a Live Answer! I then download it, and use it on our Briden Farm Podcasting, where You’ll  be able to hear it read on Saturday Mornings, or if you want, click on this link and it’s free to read … 

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 


Listen To Briden Farm Podcasting

The New Briden Farm Podcast Seems Like A Hit

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PodStatus Reviews and Rankings

We recently launched Briden Farm Podcasting and it seems to be quickly gaining traction, and Listeners, and Downloads! 

According to We are ranked as #12 in Home and Garden (Canada) and position #71 in Leisure (Canada).

Briden Farm Podcast Standings

How Cool Is That!! 

Now available for you to listen to on …


Apple Podcast

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