Category: Natural Beauty

A Tractor Ride at Briden Farm

A Tractor Ride Pt. 1

This one was fun! I hope You have as much fun watching it as I did recording it! It’s actually in 3 Parts, and that’s for a few reasons. One, up till now, a video of 2 minutes took me about 20 minutes to upload! The second is, although we thankfully just got FiberOp, or Fibe as Bell now calls it, I wasn’t sure how much faster it would really do the upload. The third reason, and this one is kind of laughable, I chickened out during part of the ride! Well, actually I turned it off, at the end of part one, because the terrain was so sloped I wanted to concentrate on my driving! 

So, that was part one, and I probably should have warned you about the noise! I also apologize for the noise making it difficult to hear me! I am a low talker, and I try to speak up, but it’s difficult for me! I’ll try to do better in Part Two! 

Click Here to Watch Part Two

It’s A Very Eggsighting Day at Briden Farm

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Our Hatching Eggs Are Pipping

The Chicks in the Eggs in our Incubator are starting to Pip! Which means It’s A Very Eggsighting Day at Briden Farm! It also means that the Chicks inside the Eggs have started picking their way out of the Shells!   

Over the next few days we’ll be posting Photos, Videos, and hopefully some Live Streaming Videos as we move from the Pipping stage toward, and hopefully get to the Hatching Stage! 

Over the next few days we will be posting Live Streaming Videos to Chicken TV at Briden Farm. Including the Pipping and Hatching Stage. (Click Here to View Now)

If You’re interested in Hatching Eggs, or Day Old Chicks, we should soon have both! Come See Us or Call 902-907-0770.