Category: Breads

You Are Awesome! Keep On Voting! Currently 5th Place!

Currently 5th Place on FavChef 2024

You are awesome! You’re making it happen! Now, let’s do this for Nova Scotia! Let’s do this for Digby! For Bear River! Can You imagine a Homesteading Farmer from Nova Scotia being on the cover of Taste of Home Magazine! Let’s Make This Happen!

Not just for Me! For the positive attention it’ll bring with it for our area! For Homesteading and Farming, especially Small Farms! Traditional Country Cooking, Baking, and Home Made Goodness!

Please Vote, Daily, It’s Free, and Please Share this Link

Sourdough Bread for Earth Day 2024

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Baking Sourdough Bread

I love Bread, and it often gets a bad wrap! No pun intended, well, maybe! All things in Balance, I believe Bread, Breaking Bread, and the practice of making Bread, is very Earthy. Flour is a Raw Food, and when you combine flour with water and leave it sit, it attracts beneficial bacteria from the air! That’s actually how You make a Sourdough Starter. Read what says about the Benefits of Sourdough

So, why not make Sourdough Bread on Earth-Day!? 

To me, it’s a very earthy thing to do and the process helps me get grounded. Having and caring for a Sourdough Starter means providing daily care for a living culture! Yes, Sourdough Starter is a living thing and is something that can be started by anyone, anywhere! So, if you’re living in a place where you can’t have a pet, or garden, animals, etc. You can still benefit from creating, caring for, and maintaining a Sourdough Starter! You’ll be surprised by how tactile and rewarding it can be! 

Sourdough Bread with Everything Bagel Seasoning

Traditional Smokehouse Bacon and Sourdough Pancakes

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Smokehouse Bacon and Sourdough Pancakes

What can be better! Traditionally Smoked Bacon and Sourdough Pancakes made from John Dough! All Raised here at Briden Farm!

Discover the Benefits of Eating Sourdough