Spring is such a busy time of Year, the animals and chicks, and chores, and gardening! It’s a busy time for sure, hopefully we’ll find time for it all! If You’d like to help, and learn, let us know! Call Brian at Briden Farm 902-907-0770.
It’s been. a long process, when we went to The Barn Property on the 31 August 2022 it was at the request of the Family there, and the main goal was to keep the fields from becoming overgrown.
The property consisted mostly old burnt out hay fields, Lupine, Hawthorns, Goldenrod, and Japanese Knotweed. Here are some photos from Fall 2022 …
Time Passes…. 18 months later… Spring 2024
As You can see, the fields, even the area under the now thinned out Hawthorns has green grass growing. Actually, we had green grass by Mid-March. A true testament to the incredible work of our animals.
The following video shows a particular area that has not yet been worked as much as the other areas. An area where Hawthorn Saplings and Lupine has begun to take over. An area where our goats have grazed only briefly twice, and that our pigs turned up this Spring. Showing how persistent the Lupine are, and how much they’ve grown in the few weeks to a month since our pigs worked that ground. Here’s the Video…
The results are incredible, especially over time. As this year unfolds I’ll try to bring you updates as to the progress. I’m really not sure how the Corn, Sunflowers, and Peas will grow here, but we’ll find out and hopefully document our success here! We welcome Your Comments.
Over the past week or so we’ve had continuous rainy weather. My guesstimate is about 8 to 10 inches o rain with more still to come! At least another inch or so over the next twenty four hours. The gardens have been floode, standing water, running water, almost stagnant in some places. Not to mention road ways washing out and giving way to pot holes, and even rock slides! So, what does one do during these times!? This video will show you what I’ve been doing to help compensate…
Want to learn more about Gardening? Livestock? Farming? Come be a Volunteer!
come for a Day, a Week, or a Month! We’ll provide your Room and Board in exchange for your working while learning experience!
Doesn’t that sound like a Country Song!? Working 6-9 in the warm, and especially hot, time# of the year just makes sense. I actually learned this years ago fishing Atlantic Salmon! Our Salmon fishing friends, Wayne and Mary Ellen, who used to fish the Fancy Pool, taught us to fish from daylight till about 9am. Take a break in the afternoon, and return to the River at about 6pm and fish till dark. Well, now, that’s the way I work in the Garden!
The following is a Photo Gallery of our 2023 Gardens…