Tag: Eggs

Hatching Your Own Chickens Can Be Rewarding

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Fertilized Hatching Eggs

Have You ever had the desire to hatch Chicks? It can be quite fun, almost addictive in fact! It can also be a great way for children to learn about the miracle of birth, of life coming into existence! We’re making some of our fertilized eggs available for purchase to those who wish to hatch their own chicks. Our mixed flock of Sasso, Lohmann, and Easter Eggers, produce nice big beautiful eggs. We want you to be able to experience the thrill, and maybe even the disappointment, that comes from this process. To that end we’re making our straight run, mixed-breed fertilized chicken eggs available for $10 for 12 Eggs. If this interests You please call us at 902-907-0770. 

Click Here for Purina’s “Hatching Eggs at Home: A 21-Day Guide for Baby Chicks”

Our Chickens are Really Bananas

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Our Chickens are Really Bananas

So, we built our Coop, put up the roosts, made nest boxes, and like kids with new Christmas Presents, our Chickens prefer to lay their eggs in Banana Boxes in our Car Port where we store our hay and wood, here at Briden Farm! That’s why we say, “Our Chickens are Really Bananas!” 

Come Visit the Dinosaurs at Briden Farm

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Dinosaurs at Briden Farm

So, You like Dinosaurs! Wouldn’t it be interesting if You could see one? Of Course it would! Right? 

Now, perhaps You know, or You’ve heard, that Chickens are related to, or descendants of, Dinosaurs! Of course that’s not true! Is it? 

It’s interesting that Earth Buddies refers to a Scientific Study and says… 

“The scientists were also comparing the DNA of a Mastodon fossil to modern days animals and the result was amazing. They found that the proteins found in the T-Rex fossil were most similar to those of chickens, and the mastodon were most similar to modern day elephants.”

So, it would be easy to assume that Chickens may be descendants of Dinosaurs! Right?

Now, further compounding this assumption is National Geographic when it states that…

“fossils of its hind limbs in addition to its skull—has features similar to both ducks and chickens, suggesting it was related to the shared ancestor of both groups.”

However, and thankfully, Randy, over at Randy’s Chicken Blog, looked at this and found some interesting information regarding Chickens and Dinosaurs. Then after carefully weighing the evidence draws the conclusion that… 

“Chickens are dinosaurs.”  Pretty much every evolutionary biologist and paleontologist worth their salt long ago came to the conclusion that birds are descended directly from dinosaurs.  And chickens, of course, are birds.  Today it has become generally accepted by scientists that birds are not descended from dinosaurs, but, in fact, are dinosaurs.

So, if You like Dinosaurs, we invite You to come to Bear River to see our Dinosaurs at Briden Farm, where the Tea is Always On and The Coffee is not far behind!