Tag: Brahma Chickens

Hatching Chicks Is A Better Predictor Of Spring Than Groundhogs

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Hatching Mixed Flock Chicks

Today is Groundhog Day, and Shubenacadie Sam and Wiarton Willie predict Canada will have an early Spring while Punxsutawney Phil predicts 6 more weeks of Winter!  

Now, we mean no disrespect to Sam, Willie, or Phil, or any other Groundhog, but here at Briden Farm were taking another approach to determining the beginning of Spring! 

We’re hatching Eggs! We have a mixed flock of Chickens, made up mostly of Lohmanns, Easter Eggers, Sassos (that we call our Brahmas), and Buff Orpingtons. So, today, on Ground Hog Day, we put Hatching Eggs in an incubator and in three Weeks we’ll hopefully have new Baby Chicks!

Now, everyone knows that there’s no better sign of Spring than Baby Chicks! Right? Of course right! So, now we have something to tend, turning the eggs, keeping the hatching temperature and humidity at the right levels, and eagerly waiting as the anticipation builds! Then, when they hatch, about February 23, 2021, we will know that there is no more than three weeks till Spring!

So, while everyone else is waiting to see if Spring comes early, or waiting for six weeks to pass, we’re waiting for Three Weeks! Three Weeks to get Baby Chicks! Then once those Chicks Hatch, there’s no more than three weeks left till Spring! Now that’s why we think Hatching Chicks Is A Better Predictor Of Spring Than Groundhogs! 


PS: If You’re looking for Hatching Eggs, or Baby Chicks, please contact us at 902-907-0770 

Our Chickens are Really Bananas

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Our Chickens are Really Bananas

So, we built our Coop, put up the roosts, made nest boxes, and like kids with new Christmas Presents, our Chickens prefer to lay their eggs in Banana Boxes in our Car Port where we store our hay and wood, here at Briden Farm! That’s why we say, “Our Chickens are Really Bananas!” 

8 Eggs in 9 Days from Our New Brahma Hen

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New Hen Lays 8 Eggs in 9 Days

When a Pullet, a young hen, begins to lay she often misses days and her eggs are usually small and grow larger over time. Our new Brahma mix hen has now laid 8 Eggs in Her first 9 Days of laying! Some Hen! 

New Hen Lays 8 Eggs in 9 Days
Her eggs are getting bigger, and are nearly as big as a Large White Store Bought Egg! You can see by the picture that the eggs are getting bigger too! My guess is she’ll be laying Jumbos before long! 

Our First Egg at Briden Farm

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Our First Egg comes from a Brahma Chickens

Our First Egg at Briden Farm Follows the arrival of our Buff Brahmas! We had a bit of a scramble this past weekend as we had the opportunity to expand our flock! You can read more about that here…

New Dual Purpose Chickens Come to Briden Farm

After getting our New Chickens, which were told are about 4-5 months old and soon ready to start laying, we become very Eggs-Pectant! 

Watching the new birds, and some of our existing ones, to see if they’re starting to lay! So, when happens, when the day comes when the first egg arrives, it’s an Egg-Sighting Day! 

Some of You know Eggsactly what we mean! Right? 😉  

PS: Yes, we know that’s an Easter Egger Rooster, pictured with the Brahma Hen!