Tag: Digby County

Affordable Feeds at Briden Farm

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Briden Farm Scratch and Hemp Seed Feeds

What Do You Pay? Have You seen our Affordable Feeds? Look at our Affordable Feeds Page and see how we can help You. Four Grain Scratch Feed, Human Grade Hemp Seed Feed, and Lay Mash. Which of these Feeds do you use? Which Feeds would You like to see us carry next? We buy in Bulk and do our best to help You save!

Have Questions? Call Brian at 902-907-0770

Hemp Seed Treats for Pets


Terri Freshens With Two Kids, a Buckling and a Doeling.

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Terri Gives Birth

Our little Terri, has birthed Her first to two kids, this video shows A little male, Buckling, and a little female, Doeling. Terri, and her Brother, were born here to Nanna on the 6th of July 2022, Nanna was one of our very first Goats at Briden Farm, and so this is three Generations to live here. Nanna first gave birth to two bucklings, Nicki and Robby the 27th of March 2021. Most of them have moved on, as Goats tend to do, but we still have Terri and now Terri and her darling little newborn kids.

As seen here in this video at just a few hours old.

Remember to Like and Share the Video, and Please Subscribe to our Briden Farm YouTube Channel!

Briden Farm Scratch and Hemp Seed Feeds
Briden Farm Affordable Livestock and Poultry Feeds



The Benefits of Maple Syrup

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Making Maple Syrup

It’ll soon be Maple Syrup Season and it’ll be time for you to enjoy the Sweet Taste of Maple Syrup! Tapping Maple Trees is a time honoured tradition, not only in Canada, but on a personal basis also. I remember my Dad, Vic, tapping the big Maple Trees that grew on the lawn. Boiling the sap gathered from the Trees was often left to my Mom, and gathering the sap from the Trees was often my job.

Recently someone asked, “What’s in it? Is it any different than Sugar?”

So, I thought I’d create a post about the benefits of Maple Syrup.

Now, just in case You have come here from away, and don’t know what Maple Syrup is…

Maple syrup is a natural sweetener that is produced by boiling down the sap of sugar maple trees. It is a popular alternative to traditional sweeteners like white sugar or corn syrup and is known for its distinct flavor. It is more expensive because it is very labour and time intensive, and requires fuel to fire a stove or boiler, and it takes 40 Gallons of Sap to make just one Gallon of Syrup!

Here are some of the benefits of maple syrup:

  1. Nutrient Content: Maple syrup contains various nutrients, including manganese, zinc, potassium, and calcium. While it should not be considered a significant source of these nutrients, it does contribute small amounts to your overall intake.
  2. Antioxidant Properties: Maple syrup contains antioxidants, which help neutralize free radicals in the body. Antioxidants are believed to play a role in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.
  3. Lower Glycemic Index: Compared to refined sugars, maple syrup has a lower glycemic index. This means it has a milder impact on blood sugar levels, making it a preferable option for individuals who need to manage their blood sugar.
  4. Natural Sweetener: Maple syrup is a natural sweetener that doesn’t undergo extensive processing. It lacks the additives and preservatives often found in refined sugars and artificial sweeteners.
  5. Phytochemicals: Maple syrup contains various phytochemicals, including lignans and coumarin compounds. These compounds have been studied for their potential health benefits, such as anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties.
  6. Potential Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Some studies suggest that certain compounds in maple syrup may have anti-inflammatory effects. Reduced inflammation is associated with various health benefits, including a lower risk of chronic diseases.
  7. Flavor Variety: Maple syrup has a unique and rich flavor that adds depth to a variety of dishes. It is not only used as a sweetener but also as a flavor enhancer in both sweet and savory recipes.
  8. Sustainable Harvesting: The production of maple syrup involves tapping the sap from maple trees without harming the trees themselves. When done sustainably, this practice can be considered environmentally friendly.

It’s important to note that while maple syrup does offer some potential health benefits, it is still a sweetener and should be consumed in moderation. Additionally, the grade of maple syrup can affect its nutrient content and flavor, so when choosing maple syrup, opt for pure, 100% maple syrup rather than products with added sugars or artificial ingredients.

Have Questions? Want to Pre-Purchase Your Maple Syrup to insure Your Supply!? Call Brian at Briden Farm 902-907-0770.