Happy New Year 2021

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Happy New Year 2021
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To think that 21 years ago we waited for Midnight with bated breath as Y2K approached and certain doom loomed at the Midnight Hour! This year, I think it’s the opposite for most people! 2020 has been the near beginning of the Apocalypse for some, and pure “heck” on earth for others!

However, there are also positive things 2020 will be remembered for! In many ways it’s forced people to spend more time at home, with family, and to refocus on the things that are most important to us! Even some businesses have benefited as more business has moved to online and local. Which seems like a contradiction but in many cases if we can get it local, we have, and other things we’ve ordered online! Sometimes from Small Businesses! So, although we all know that 2020 has been a rough ride for many, it has brought with it, as does any adversity, the seeds of greatness. 

For Us, it’s definitely meant changes! In March and April we literally didn’t know where we were going to live when we got home, or even if we’d have a Home! Then by the time May rolled around we had moved home to Nova Scotia and we’re living in the Ditmar House, on Ditmar Brook where we had a garden and were taking steps toward self reliance and becoming more self sustaining. Which is something a lot of people moved toward in 2020. Then, by August things changed again and we were able to buy our 22 acre homestead on the banks of West Branch Bear River with Franklin Brook running through it. By late August we had our Nigerian Dwarf Goats and by the first of Sept we were moving into what would become known as Briden Farm and by the middle of September we had started our mixed flock of Chickens. Then, on 30 October 2020, we launched this Website, on what is known as Mischief Night! Since then We’ve had over 4,000 Visitors make nearly 10,000 visits to our Website! Plus those of us who have visited us at Briden Farm here in Bear River, Nova Scotia overlooking the Head of the Tide! 

So, surprisingly, I have to say, in many ways I’m thankful for 2020. Despite the many negatives and adversities it brought, It has also brought us a clearer vision of who we are, where we want to be, and how as we grow older it’s our friends, friends like family, who become our family! 

We want to close this Post, and this Year, by thanking You all, our friends, family, clients, customers and others, for making 2020 truly amazing and we know that together we can welcome 2021 with open arms and with great expectations of making it the best year possible! 

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