Category: Pigs

A Tractor Ride at Briden Farm Part 2

A Tractor Ride Pt. 2

So, hopefully you’re here after watching A Tractor Ride at Briden Farm Part 1. In that video You saw a bit of how we’re changing Woodlands into Pasture and soon to be Gardens. You also saw how we are up cycling old Mink Cages, and turning them into Fencing! Plus a little look at some of our animals. At the end of Part One, I actually chickened out, due to the steep terrain and decided I better stop filming and concentrate on my driving!  

Now in A Tractor Ride at Briden Farm Pt. 2 you’ll get to see what happens next, and find out how far I was able to go… hint… it was further than ever before! 

Here’s Part Two…

Hope You enjoyed that!? 

Click Here for A Tractor Ride at Briden Farm (Part Three)

A Tractor Ride at Briden Farm

A Tractor Ride Pt. 1

This one was fun! I hope You have as much fun watching it as I did recording it! It’s actually in 3 Parts, and that’s for a few reasons. One, up till now, a video of 2 minutes took me about 20 minutes to upload! The second is, although we thankfully just got FiberOp, or Fibe as Bell now calls it, I wasn’t sure how much faster it would really do the upload. The third reason, and this one is kind of laughable, I chickened out during part of the ride! Well, actually I turned it off, at the end of part one, because the terrain was so sloped I wanted to concentrate on my driving! 

So, that was part one, and I probably should have warned you about the noise! I also apologize for the noise making it difficult to hear me! I am a low talker, and I try to speak up, but it’s difficult for me! I’ll try to do better in Part Two! 

Click Here to Watch Part Two

Tom the Berkshire Pig at Briden Farm

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Tom Our Berkshire Pig

Tom is one of two Berkshire Pigs we have at Briden Farm. He and his brother Jerry come to us just a couple weeks ago and have been doing a wonderful job of tilling up the ground, bringing the rocks to the surface, and preparing the hard ground for a garden plot. Not to mention helping to provide us with a great natural fertilizer! Plus, one of the quickest ways to do composting is to feed it to farm animals! So, We’re happy to have them, and I think you can see by this picture that Tom, and yes Jerry too, are really quite happy to be here too! For More Info: 902-907-0770