Category: Tilling

Briden Farm Gardens at The Barn Property

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Barn Property Gardens 2023

The following photos will give you an idea of the size of our Briden Farm Gardens at The Barn Property. I haven’t exactly measured it, but a rough measurement and guesstimate would be about 7000-7500 Sq ft. Plus, we have about 1000-1200 Sq Ft of Garden at Briden Farm. Combined it’s about 1/5 of an acre. All on ground that was worked up by our Pigs and Goats. Then tilled with a rear tine tiller, and planted by hand. 

Now the real work begins! Removing Rocks, Weeding, and Tilling and Hilling over 300’ of Potatoes. Then, later, it’ll be steaming the peas, and maybe the tomatoes. Although I’m thinking about replanting the tomatoes! I originally planted seeds, and should have used Seedlings. 

There are definitely some things that could be doing better! The cucumbers haven’t come up yet, so thinking I may have to replant those too! 

The things that seem to be coming along the best are, Potatoes, Onions, and Corn. Hopefully they continue to thrive. 

Any way you look at it, it’s a lot of work!

Working 6-9 in a Country Garden

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Planted 2023 Potatoes

Doesn’t that sound like a Country Song!? Working 6-9 in the warm, and especially hot, time# of the year just makes sense. I actually learned this years ago fishing Atlantic Salmon! Our Salmon fishing friends, Wayne and  Mary Ellen, who used to fish the Fancy Pool, taught us to fish from daylight till about 9am. Take a break in the afternoon, and return to the River at about 6pm and fish till dark. Well, now, that’s the way I work in the Garden!

The following is a Photo Gallery of our 2023 Gardens…

Rootin, Tootin, Garden Tillers At Briden Farm

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Rootin, Tootin, Garden Tillers

We worked this ground in the Fall, and need it reworked this Spring. So, we’ve put our rootin, tootin, garden tillers, to work! They’ll soon have it all plowed up!

Then, later, we’ll apply our natural fertilizers! It’s a real bird brain way of doing things! No good to be chicken! The whole thing quacks me up! 🦆