What if Commercial Feed Supplies Run Out?

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Commercial Chicken Feed

It recently come to my attention that some companies, in some cases, big companies that manufacture herbs and spices, are experiencing supply issues! That’s part of the fundamental food chain! So, at the risk of sounding “alarmist”, I’m asking You, “What would You do if Commercial Feed Supplies run out? 

One of the best articles, posts, or write ups I’ve read is…

How to Feed Your Chickens Without Grain – 20 Ways to Cut Your Costs 100%

Now, it’s not addressing the issue of running out, but of lowering costs, perhaps by up to 100%. Utilizing nature, plants, methods, gardens, composts, etc., to reduce feed costs! Now that’s something that we can all benefit from all the time! Right? 

Most, if not all the ideas and techniques that are presented in How to Feed Your Chickens Without Grain – 20 Ways to Cut Your Costs 100% can also be employed if, and when, feed sources become scarce! 

Country Breakfast at Briden Farm

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Country Breakfast at Briden Farm

Can You imagine waking up to the sound of a Rooster crowing, the snap and crackle of a wood fire and the smell of free range eggs and maple smoked bacon in the frying pan cooked on the kitchen wood stove!? That’s all part of the experience at Briden Farm! Or it will be! We hope that someday, perhaps when the current pandemic has passed, that we’ll be able to host AirBnB Guests here! (We can dream can’t we?)

Meanwhile, we invite our friends to come visit and we’ll do our best to provide you something tasty…

Here at Briden Farm …

Briden Farm Mug

“Where The Tea is Always On …

… and the Coffee is Not Far Behind!”.