It’s sort of like a Big Hug! The feel of the warmth of a Wood Stove on a cold, wet, day! Back that up with the first Chocolate Chip Cookies of the season, and a good cup of ole fashioned Tea brewed on the wood stove and it just warms the cockles of the heart! Kind of like the Improved Briden Farm Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe!
Many of us in this neck of the woods heat our homes in stoves fueled with firewood; and that firewood creates ashes. Often those ashes are just discarded, or tossed out. However, there are a number of uses for firewood ashes from Wood Stoves.
Yes, seriously, ashes can be used for everything from Stain Remover and Deicer to Household Cleanser and Odor Remover! Read what Napoleon has to Say!
So, if you have Wood Ashes you’re not using please let us know we’d really appreciate having them. We actually want them for a replacement for chemical fertilizers and garden lime!
There’s nothing like wood heat to comfort us during our cool, damp winters. Unless it’s the vegetables that have been helped to grow by using the firewood ashes of our Wood Stoves! We may even use some of them to make Lye, for making Goat Milk Soap! Read more about Soap Making on Countryfarm Lifestyles.
Whether from Hard, or Soft, wood, ashes contain phosphorus, potassium, calcium, boron, and other elements that growing plants need. Ash is also very alkaline and sweetens and raises pH levels of soil. Click here to read The Chronicle and see what it says about replacing Lime with Ash.
In fact, ashes may also be used to deter insects and other garden pests!
Perhaps I shouldn’t tell you all of this, after all, we’d like you to give us your Wood Ashes! Or at least your extra wood ashes!
By the way, never use Wood Ashes on your Potatoes, or where you plan to plant them! It’ll probably cause them to become scabby!
Do you have other uses for Ashes from your firewood Stove?
If You have ashes you’re not using, we’d love to have them…
So,You’ve got your Homestead, perhaps a few hens, goats, pigs, ducks (we have Muscovy Ducks), and a few others things to tend to! Those things warm the cockles of the heart. One of the other things, that warms the hearth is your fireplace, or Wood Stove, and Chimney! It’s those things that I’m a talkin about today! Sorry to be waxing poetic, but I’ll be after watching the movie Wild Mountain Thyme. A good yarn it is to be sure!
Anyway, it’s that time of year, when the Fireplace, or Woodstove, and Chimney need a good cleaning! Yes, that’s right, right now in the middle of the Winter! The creosote has been building up, and it’s a good idea to take and do it on a warmer of the days. It’s a good precaution to be taking for sure! An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
A good cleaning may just prevent a fire and save your home, and homestead. From our Home to Yours, we wish Ye a safe and blessed Winter and know that it’s now less than 55 Days till Spring! That’s a Blessed thing to be sure!
Now, You should know that if Ye be clicking the links on this website it might be earning me a small pittance! Although if Ye shall watch the movieWild Mountain Thyme.the heart warming entertainment You’ll receive be far more valuable than any pittance that might come my way! It rivals that of a visit to Briden Farm! If Ye be not believing me, do both, and Ye be the judge!