Tag: garden

Recent Rains Caused Excessive Weeds

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Briden Farm Lower Garden

We’ve had some recent rainfalls that have washed out road ways, and flooded gardens. According to CBC, “June completely erased Nova Scotia’s rain deficits of early spring“! Global reports that, “Halifax just had its 3rd-rainiest June on record.” Reading those articles one also learns that Kejimkujik, located about 10 miles from us, had its rainiest June ever! The trend has continued! On July 1st, in about an hour and a half, Bear River got so much rain it washed the roads out! Or at least several parts of them! 

All this rain led to parts of our garden being under water! Maybe next year we’ll plant Rice! Meanwhile, it has meant my digging trenches, doing my best to divert water, and even with all that the ground has still been too wet for me to walk on it. So, not being able to get in the Garden, has led to weeds! Lots and lots of weeds! As You can see… 

Briden Farm Lower Garden

Which led me to finally getting in there today, tilling and hilling, and sweating! The temperatures reached into the 30s Celsius (or nearly 90 F). It wasn’t easy, but I got t done! Approximately 7,000 Sq Ft of Garden, all Tilled. Hilling about 200’ of Corn and Potatoes! I still have about 120’ of Potatoes to hill, and then weeding! Lots and lots of Weeding! 

The reason I did so much last night, and today in the heat, was I wanted to get ahead of the rain forecast for this weekend. I was thinking today was Friday! Not! It’s only Thursday! So, now, maybe I will get caught up by the weekend! 

Briden Farm Gardens at The Barn Property

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Barn Property Gardens 2023

The following photos will give you an idea of the size of our Briden Farm Gardens at The Barn Property. I haven’t exactly measured it, but a rough measurement and guesstimate would be about 7000-7500 Sq ft. Plus, we have about 1000-1200 Sq Ft of Garden at Briden Farm. Combined it’s about 1/5 of an acre. All on ground that was worked up by our Pigs and Goats. Then tilled with a rear tine tiller, and planted by hand. 

Now the real work begins! Removing Rocks, Weeding, and Tilling and Hilling over 300’ of Potatoes. Then, later, it’ll be steaming the peas, and maybe the tomatoes. Although I’m thinking about replanting the tomatoes! I originally planted seeds, and should have used Seedlings. 

There are definitely some things that could be doing better! The cucumbers haven’t come up yet, so thinking I may have to replant those too! 

The things that seem to be coming along the best are, Potatoes, Onions, and Corn. Hopefully they continue to thrive. 

Any way you look at it, it’s a lot of work!