Tag: Bear River

Nothing’s quite like eating off the farm! 

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Fried Cockerel and Pasta

Nothing’s quite like eating off the farm! 

Tonight we had Fried Cockerel and Pasta! 

Whether it’s from the Garden, or from the Barn, there’s something special and intrinsic about knowing you’ve raised food for you, your family, and your table! 

It also brings a deeper understanding and appreciation for the work you’ve done and the sacrifice that has been made in providing you life sustaining substance! That is even more so when You’ve hand raised them! 

life on the farm is not always easy, not always happy, but the good times out weigh the bad, and there truly is a reverent sense of purpose and fulfillment for You, and for the source of the food. Perhaps even for life itself and it’s Creator! 

The Scoop on the Chicken Coop

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The Scoop at the Chicken Coop

We’ve had three groups of Chickens here at Briden Farm, all at various ages and stages! All housed in three different houses, or smaller pens, and now we’re working to move them all in a larger Coop where they’ll all coincide. This video shows the morning after the night before, when Jack and the Gang, and Henny Penny (AKA: Mother Hen) and her two chicks, Chicky and Picky, spent their first night in the new coop which we’ve built from Pallets, Slabwood, and up cycled materials. Tonight we hope to add Buddy, our big Rooster, and four others we call the Biddies, to the Coop. So, that’s the Scoop on the Coop!