Author: Brian Hurlburt

Brian Hurlburt’s FaceBook Profile states he’s an Old Goat & Chicken Chaser at Briden Farm, so who are we to argue! Brian is the “Bri” of Briden Farm.

We Found a New Home for Our Rooster Whitie

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A Home for Whitie

We’re happy to announce we found a home for Whitie and He has his own Flock of Lohmann Hens. 

Whitie The Rooster Found A New Home

We’re still looking for a new Home for our Easter Egger couple, Red & Little Crow… 

Easter Eggers Red and Little Crow

If You’d like to give our

Easter Egger Red and Little Crow

A good Home

Please contact us.

Our Chickens Want to Play Farmers Golf

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Golf Ball Egg

This is our second, Golf Ball like, round egg in the past 6 Weeks! We have a number of young hens, beginning to lay for their first time, and were thinking it’s them!  So we’ve recently started them all on special food for Laying Hens. 

Really though, we think it’s because our Hens are in favour of us starting a Farmers Golf Course here at Briden Farm. If You’d be interested in playing Farmers Golf at Briden Farm we’d love to here from You! 902-907-0770

Team Tryson We’re Fighting For You

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Team Tryson We’re Fighting For You

I want to tell you all about Team Tryson! Tryson is a young fellow who is in the IWK Children’s Hospital. He’s fighting! We’re fighting with Him! Praying and Lending as support as We’re able! We want You to join us! 

First though I want to tell You why… 

See, We’ve never met Tryson, but we know his Aunt Kim! It’s because we know Tryson’s Aunt Kim that we know about Tryson and his battle! It’s because we know about Tryson and His Battle that we know what an inspiration Tryson and Team Tryson have become! 

In a time when our World is in a spin, Team Tryson is growing by leaps and bounds! Their FaceBook Page was created 2 January 2021 and gained over 5,000 Members in just over two weeks! That’s because everyone wants to help support Tryson, and encourage His parents, Troy and Lindsay. Another reason for that support, and the Group Membership growing so fast is because Tryson has become an inspiration to many!

In these difficult times, the spirit and determination shown by Tryson, and Team Tryson, is inspiring us, and encouraging all of us to reprioritize, to recognize the things that really matter, like health, friends, and family!

So, while we send our support in the fight for Team Tryson, we also thank Tryson, and the entire Team, for helping us learn these valuable lessons. Thank You Tryson! Get Well Soon! We’re looking forward to Your visiting us at  Briden Farm, here in Bear River, Nova Scotia.

Learn More and Show Your Support for Team Tryson on FaceBook